The tasks of the exercises are presented in the lecture. The first solution has to be delivered electronically and afterwards presented with MS Powerpoint slides in a meeting. Most tasks are to be solved in groups of three students (exception task 2 where each student has to do the task individually). Task descriptions can be found in TUWEL.
The presentations take place on four Wednesdays during the semester. Assignment of groups are organized in the first meetinge.
1. Meeting: Introduction, Group & Topic Finding 15.10.2018, 4 pm in Sem 187/2
2. Meeting: Presentation of Knowledge Processes (Ex1), 5.11.2018, 4 pm in Sem 187/2
3: Meeting: Presentation of Problem Solutions (Ex2) &
Introduction Drupal 7, 19.11.2018, 4 pm in Sem 187/2
4. Meeting: Presentation of Drupal Solutions (Ex3) 10.12.2018 4 pm in Sem 187/2
5. Meeting: Presentation of Case-based solution (Ex4) 21.1.2019, 4 pm in Sem 187/2