The term model engineering comprises different approaches of model driven software development such as model driven architecture (MDA), domain specific languages, software factories etc. All of these different approaches concentrate on a central model and not only on pure program code. During this lecture the different concepts, tools, and practical experiences from the field of model engineering will be examined. The lecture is split up into a theoretical part (this course) and an accompanying model engineering lab. Concepts from the field of meta-modeling, model transformation, code generation and textual modeling languages will be taught in this course. During the lab the students will be given practical assignments chosen from the topics of this lecture.
01) 04. October - Primer
02) 11. October - Metamodeling 1/2
03) 18. October - Metamodeling 2/2
04) 27. October - Object Constraint Language (OCL) - Attention: HS 13 Ernst Melan, Wednesday, 18-20:00
05) 08. November - Model Transformation I: Graph Transformations
06) 22. November - Model Transformation II: ATLAS Transformation Language (ATL)
07) 29. November - Model Transformation III: Query/View/Transformation (QVT)
08) 06. December - Code Generation
09) 13. December - Textual Modeling Languages
10) 20. December - Graphical Modeling Languages
11) 10. January - UML Profiles
12) 10. January - Exam preparation (evening)
13) 17. January - Evolution
14) 17. January - Guest lecture (evening)
15) 24. January - Exam
* Thomas Stahl, Markus Völter, Sven Efftinge, Arno Haase: Modellgetriebene Softwareentwicklung, 2. Auflage, dpunkt.verlag, 2007 (several issues are available in the library)
* Frank Budinsky et al: Eclipse Modeling Framework, Addison-Wesley, 2004 (several issues are available in the library)