After successful completion of the course, students are able to develop iteratively and user-centered an executable innovative prototyp and to present the results of this explorative prototyping process in groups. The students can apply several design thinking methods to achieve their goals.
Methodologies applied in the course:
Output: Product
A mixture of lectures, meetings, and group work.
Due to the infection numbers in the Covid-19 pandemic, it may lead to changes in this course. This might result in this course being switched to online mode, e.g., the lectures might then be held online.
ECTS Breakdown:
1h - Vorbesprechung1h - Gruppenfindung4h - Weiterentwicklung der 1-2 Ideen aus dem Wintersemester1h - Präsentation der Ideen1h (Video) Mock-up15h - Mock-up Erstellung1h - Technology Probes29h - Design, Umsetzung + Einsatz Technology Probes4h - Zwischenpräsentation1h - Design Workshop (2)2h - Durchführen von einem Design Workshop19h - Dokumentation des Design Workshops1h - Prototyping25h - Protoyping1h - Produktentwicklung + CI20h - Produktentwicklung mit CI20h - Gruppenarbeit4h - Endpräsentation
Students work on their project in groups. The final product will be created. All methodologies have intermediary results, which will be marked for the final grading. The assignment will be organised in TUWEL. There are two presentations which will be graded too.