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186.865 Current Research in Augmented and Virtual Reality
This course is in all assigned curricula part of the STEOP.
This course is in at least 1 assigned curriculum part of the STEOP.

2017W, VU, 2.0h, 3.0EC


  • Semester hours: 2.0
  • Credits: 3.0
  • Type: VU Lecture and Exercise

Aim of course

Guest professor Henry Fuchs (UNC Chapel Hill, USA) will give this course on current Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality topics. Students shall get insight into the state of the art of AR and VR.

Subject of course

This course will consist of a series of lectures by the instructor, by guest lecturers (in person or via Skype or similar), and by students in the class.

The planned meeting times are seven 3-hour periods, generally on Tuesdays 15:00-18:00 (with a short break in the middle), but the time may change due to scheduling constraints of the instructor or of guest lecturers.  

Each student will prepare a presentation (of slides and videos) of approximately 30 minutes on a single paper some time during the semester.  If there is insufficient class time for every student to make a presentation, the instructor will select the subset of papers to be presented. The presentations of those students not presenting in class will be judged by the quality of the slide and video presentation material submitted.  

The paper selected for each student will be based on the student’s interest and instructor assignment, according to the following plan:
1) At the beginning of the semester, the instructor will share with the class a list of recent published papers. 
2) Within two weeks of the first meeting, each student will submit
      a) the names of 5 papers from this list which they would be interested in presenting in class and
      b) a list of 3-5 recent papers in AR/VR that are not in the list that they would be interested in presenting in class.
3) The instructor will assign a paper to each student based on
      a) the student’s interest, and
      b) the importance of the paper for the course subject’s body of knowledge.  

Additional information

22h Lecture
21h Reading class literature
32h Preparation of presentation material
75h equals 3,0 ECTS, each of 25 hours



  • Fuchs, Henry


Course dates

Tue15:00 - 16:0003.10.2017Seminarraum FAV 05 (Seminarraum 186) Current Research in Augmented and Virtual Reality
Tue15:00 - 18:0017.10.2017Seminarraum FAV 05 (Seminarraum 186) Current Research in Augmented and Virtual Reality
Tue15:00 - 18:0024.10.2017Seminarraum FAV 05 (Seminarraum 186) Current Research in Augmented and Virtual Reality
Tue15:00 - 18:0031.10.2017Seminarraum FAV 05 (Seminarraum 186) Current Research in Augmented and Virtual Reality
Tue15:00 - 18:0005.12.2017Seminarraum FAV 05 (Seminarraum 186) Current Research in Augmented and Virtual Reality
Tue15:00 - 18:0012.12.2017Seminarraum FAV 05 (Seminarraum 186) Current Research in Augmented and Virtual Reality
Tue15:00 - 18:0019.12.2017Seminarraum FAV 05 (Seminarraum 186) Current Research in Augmented and Virtual Reality
Tue15:00 - 18:0009.01.2018Seminarraum FAV 05 (Seminarraum 186) optional date, will probably not be needed
Tue15:00 - 18:0016.01.2018Seminarraum FAV 05 (Seminarraum 186) optional date, will probably not be needed
Tue15:00 - 18:0023.01.2018Seminarraum FAV 05 (Seminarraum 186) optional date, will probably not be needed

Examination modalities

Class grade will depend on
1) Attendance in class: each student is expected to attend at least 2/3 of the class sessions.
2) Participation in class discussions after each presentation. Part of this participation will involve each student submitting to the instructor, via email, at least one question on each presentation. We will take a few minutes after each presentation and before oral discussions, to give each student time to email the instructor these one or two questions the student would like to ask of the speaker.
3) Class presentation by the student on the single paper assigned to them, or if the student’s paper was not selected for presentation due to lack of class time, then this part of the grade will be based on the presentation material submitted. 

Course registration

Begin End Deregistration end
17.10.2017 16:00 08.11.2017 00:00 08.11.2017 00:00



No lecture notes are available.


