186.832 Introduction to Computer Graphics
This course is in all assigned curricula part of the STEOP.
This course is in at least 1 assigned curriculum part of the STEOP.

2022W, UE, 2.0h, 3.0EC


  • Semester hours: 2.0
  • Credits: 3.0
  • Type: UE Exercise
  • Format: Online

Learning outcomes

After successful completion of the course, students are able to describe and to use essential concepts of graphic programming. This includes graphics programming with C++ and OpenGL or Vulkan, mesh generation for analytical surfaces, virtual cameras, projections, transformations, lighting and shading, texturing.

Subject of course

The lab consists of programming assignments dealing with: Setup of an OpenGL/C++-project, generation and rendering of simple geometric objects, geometric transformations and camera, lighting and shading, as well as texturing.

Teaching methods

Solving practical programming tasks.

Mode of examination


Additional information

All current information is available on the homepage of the course:

1h Introduction
5h Introductory lessons
1h Submission Talks
4h Preparation for Submission Talks
10h Task 1
14h Task 2
14h Task 3
16h Task 4
10h Task 5
75h corresponds to 3 ECTS of  25h each


Submissions as well as supplying a framework for the coding tasks is done via git. To ensure access to all relevant materials at the beginning of this course, please register in TISS until Tue, 04.10.2022, 11pm. Later registrations may lead to delays.



Course dates

Mon16:00 - 17:0003.10.2022 https://tuwien.zoom.us/j/94056972973?pwd=QVVHUzZITDEvaHBXaFJNK0E4UHJEZz09Vorbesprechung

Examination modalities

Two delivery meetings to evaluate the solved tasks.

Course registration

Begin End Deregistration end
26.09.2022 00:00 21.10.2022 23:55 21.10.2022 23:55


Study CodeObligationSemesterPrecon.Info
033 532 Media Informatics and Visual Computing Mandatory3. SemesterSTEOP
Course requires the completion of the introductory and orientation phase
033 534 Software & Information Engineering Not specifiedSTEOP
Course requires the completion of the introductory and orientation phase


No lecture notes are available.

Previous knowledge


Computer graphics knowledge from the VU Introduction to Visual Computing

Preceding courses

Continuative courses



if required in English