185.A92 Introduction to Programming 2
This course is in all assigned curricula part of the STEOP.
This course is in at least 1 assigned curriculum part of the STEOP.

2022S, VU, 3.0h, 4.0EC


  • Semester hours: 3.0
  • Credits: 4.0
  • Type: VU Lecture and Exercise
  • LectureTube course
  • Format: Hybrid

Learning outcomes

After successful completion of the course, students are able to

  • translate program descriptions given in natural language (i.e., programming tasks) into executable Java programs,
  • describe systematic approaches to programming (for creating and using abstract data types including abstaction hierarchies as well as traversing and modifying recursive data structures),
  • describe selected algorithms (like insertion, deletion, searching, comparing, sorting, iterating), data structures (variants of lists, trees and hash tables) and abstract data types (like data sets, queues, stacks, collections, lists, maps as well as hierarchies of them),
  • implement and use specified data abstractions, algorithms and data structures,
  • apply language concepts and techniques for data abstraction, traversal and modification of recursive data structures, input and output through files as well as quality assurance,
  • describe important sources of errors as well as quality assurance techniques (verifying input data, exception handling, testing, documentation, code-review),
  • act autonomously and as team players (teams of 2 persons) when solving programming tasks and thereby communicate properties of programs.

Subject of course

  • concept of data abstraction and language features for data abstraction
  • implementation and essential properties of recursive data structures (as lists and trees)
  • implementation and essential properties of algorithms (for insertion, deletion, search, sorting, comparison, conversion, iterating) on several data structures
  • abstraction over data structures with comparable access functions
  • exception handling
  • input and output over files, validation of input
  • simple testing methods and code review
  • approaches to program optimization and corresponding sources of errors
  • programming styles and program documentation

Teaching methods

  • Lectures (talks in German) give an overview of the course topics. It is recommended to keep time with lectures when learning new topics. You can attend lectures each Monday at noon in the Audi.Max. (if Corona regulations allow us to do so) and as a live stream (accessible through TUWEL). Recordings will be provided in TUWEL, too. The first part of the first lecture (March 7) gives information on the organisation of this course.
  • A script (in German) is available for download in TISS and TUWEL. The script serves as an accompanying textbook and gives some information students shall know before taking this course. Hence, ideal students familiarize with the script before the course starts.
  • Programming tasks on 8 exercise sheets have to be solved within about 1 week each (except for Exercise Sheet 7) as a home work. Solutions in the form of IntelliJ IDEA projects have to be uploaded in a Git repository (one for each participant in the course) before the deadlines. Tutors give short feedback on the uploaded solutions to some (not necessarily all) students. Solutions shall be corrected according to the feedback.
  • The team task (Exercise Sheet 7) is a slightly larger programming task to be solved by a team of two students (or three students in special cases) within about one month. The solution has to be uploaded as IntelliJ IDEA project in a Git repository created for this purpose. Feedback to a preliminary solution has to be requested from a tutor in good time before the deadline (several times if necessary), and given suggestions shall be considered in the final solution.
  • Guided exercises take place in groups of up to approximately 25 students who meet eight times for 45 minutes, one meeting for each exercise sheet. Guided exercises include the following learning activities:
    • Discussion: Randomly selected students present their solutions. Additionally, several approaches to solve a task will be discussed and compared to each other.
    • Exercise test: Programming tasks depending on the current exercise sheet have to be solved under pressure of time, this is, own program code created as home work must be extended or modified during the meeting. Six of the eight exercise tests must be taken in teams of two students (three students in exceptional cases), the other two tests by each student individually.
  • The programming cafe is a regular informal Zoom meeting where students can discuss their experiences and solve programming tasks together (possibly using breakout sessions). An instructor will attend the meeting to provide assistance.
  • There are two regular tests (one in May, one in June), each with a working time of 60 minutes. You have to answer multiple-choice questions and solve programming tasks on a computer (working with an IntelliJ IDEA project). The tasks have to be solved individually without using auxiliary means (except the IDE) and without the help of other persons.
  • For each regular test there will be a corresponding supplementary test. Results of these tests replace results of corresponding regular tests. Participation in a supplementary test is only possible if at least 50% of the accomplishable achievements in the guided exercises were accomplished and the corresponding regular test was missed (or was rated as missed) or yielded a negative result. The supplementary test substituting the first regular test will happen early in July, that substituting the second regular test late in September or early in October.

Mode of examination


Additional information

Who shall participate in the course

  • Shortly after successfully completing "Einführung in die Programmierung 1" students shall participate in "Einführung in die Programmierung 2".
  • Students, who got a negative mark in "Einführung in die Programmierung 1" shall not participate in "Einführung in die Programmierung 2" before repeating and successfully completing the first course.
  • Students in the first semester shall participate only if they already have much programming experience in Java.


To participate, students have to register for the course, see "Course registration". Furthermore, it is necessary to register for a guided exercise group, see "Group registration". Please observe the time frames.


For questions concerning this course please use the following mail address: ep2@complang.tuwien.ac.at

Please use your TU mail address for sending mails.


4 ECTS correspond to 100 hours of work:

  • 21 h for participation in lectures
  • 06 h for participation in 8 guided exercise meetings, 45 minutes each
  • 04 h for participation in 2 regular tests,  60 minutes each (and proportionately in supplementary tests)
  • 28 h for solving 7 exercise sheets (4 h for each sheet)
  • 16 h for solving the team task
  • 25 h for private study, programming cafe, test preparation


This course is planned to be held in presence. You can participate in lectures in the Audi.Max. Guided exercise units take place in InfLab rooms (Frogger and Q*bert), tests in a variety of computer rooms at the same time. Of course you can participate in presence only if Corona rules of the TU Wien allow you to do so. We have to assume that these rules are subject to change at any time. If the rules offer a possibility to run the course in presence, we will run the corresponding parts of the course in presence. We have to take this into account especially for guided exercises and tests, where attendance is compulsory. Attendance is compulsory even if you cannot attend an exercise unit or test because of your personal situation (e.g., unavailable G2 proof). In that case we have to apply the rules specified in "Eximination modalities" concerning absence.

If rules of the TU Wien do not offer a possibility to run the course in presence for a certain time or the whole semester, we have to change the modalities to distance learning for the corresponding time. We will keep you informed by TUWEL News or through e-mail.

If rules of the TU Wien do not allow us to run the course in presence using just the available resources (e.g., by restricting the maximum number of people in a room), lecturers can decide to change the modalities to distance learning permanently or for a certain period of time, for the whole course or just parts of it (only exercise units or only tests as well as for certain exercise groups in alternation). Tests can be moved and their time frames can be extended in order to allow us to run the tests in presence according to the rules. We will keep you informed by TUWEL News or through e-mail.

Each exercise unit (per exercise group) and each test can run only in presence or only using distance learning, not in a mixed mode. Individual students cannot decide by themselves if they want to participate in an exercise unit or test in presence or through distance learning.

Distance Learning

Some parts of this course will be held in distance learning anyway. Lectures can be attented online and the "programming cafe" will be offered only online.

If necessary (see above), all parts of the course can be changed to an online mode. In online mode, exercise units take place in Zoom meetings. An online test runs on your own computer, supervised through a Zoom meeting. More information on online tests can be found in the section on "Examination modalities". More details on the workflow will be provided if necessary in time through TUWEL News or e-mail. Access to Zoom meetings will be provided in TUWEL or by e-mail for individual access data. If it is not possible to attend lectures in the Audi.Max., we will change online access from LectureTube to Zoom in order to facilitate interaction. Access is through TUWEL in any case.

Face-to-face communication is an important factor in many promising learning activities. Distance learning cannot be an equal substitute. You will be able to compensate missing face-to-face communication by more intense exposure to the topics of the course. Especially, you should try to understand programming examples unassisted (even without the help of Google) and solve programming tasks by yourself.



Course dates

Mon12:00 - 14:0007.03.2022 - 20.06.2022GM 1 Audi. Max.- ARCH-INF Lecture
Thu14:30 - 15:3010.03.2022 - 23.06.2022 Online via Zoom (access through TUWEL) (LIVE)"Programmier-Cafe"
Introduction to Programming 2 - Single appointments
Mon07.03.202212:00 - 14:00GM 1 Audi. Max.- ARCH-INF Lecture
Thu10.03.202214:30 - 15:30 Online via Zoom (access through TUWEL)"Programmier-Cafe"
Mon14.03.202212:00 - 14:00GM 1 Audi. Max.- ARCH-INF Lecture
Thu17.03.202214:30 - 15:30 Online via Zoom (access through TUWEL)"Programmier-Cafe"
Mon21.03.202212:00 - 14:00GM 1 Audi. Max.- ARCH-INF Lecture
Thu24.03.202214:30 - 15:30 Online via Zoom (access through TUWEL)"Programmier-Cafe"
Mon28.03.202212:00 - 14:00GM 1 Audi. Max.- ARCH-INF Lecture
Thu31.03.202214:30 - 15:30 Online via Zoom (access through TUWEL)"Programmier-Cafe"
Mon04.04.202212:00 - 14:00GM 1 Audi. Max.- ARCH-INF Lecture
Thu07.04.202214:30 - 15:30 Online via Zoom (access through TUWEL)"Programmier-Cafe"
Mon25.04.202212:00 - 14:00GM 1 Audi. Max.- ARCH-INF Lecture
Thu28.04.202214:30 - 15:30 Online via Zoom (access through TUWEL)"Programmier-Cafe"
Mon02.05.202212:00 - 14:00GM 1 Audi. Max.- ARCH-INF Lecture
Thu05.05.202214:30 - 15:30 Online via Zoom (access through TUWEL)"Programmier-Cafe"
Mon09.05.202212:00 - 14:00GM 1 Audi. Max.- ARCH-INF Lecture
Thu12.05.202214:30 - 15:30 Online via Zoom (access through TUWEL)"Programmier-Cafe"
Mon16.05.202212:00 - 14:00GM 1 Audi. Max.- ARCH-INF Lecture
Thu19.05.202214:30 - 15:30 Online via Zoom (access through TUWEL)"Programmier-Cafe"
Mon23.05.202212:00 - 14:00GM 1 Audi. Max.- ARCH-INF Lecture
Mon30.05.202212:00 - 14:00GM 1 Audi. Max.- ARCH-INF Lecture

Examination modalities

  • A positive rating of this course requires that at least 50% of the accomplishable achievements were accomplished for each of the following three parts:
    • guided exercises
    • first test (first regular test or alternatively the corresponding supplementary test)
    • second test (second regular test or alternatively the corresponding supplemantary test)
  • If the rating of the course is positive, the mark results from the average of the percentages of achievements of the three parts:
    1. :  87.5% to 100% (sehr gut)
    2. :  75% to below 87.5% (gut)
    3. :  62.5% to below 75% (befriedigend)
    4. :  50% to below 62.5% (genügend)
  • The percentage of achievements for the guided exercises is the sum of "points" in the following three areas (at most 100 points in sum):
    • Up to 35 points: Sum of the ratings of 7 short-term exercise sheets (all except Exercise Sheet 7, up to 5 points per exercise sheet, whole numbers only) determined as follows:
      • The first rating results from the feedback of tutors and corresponds to the portion of tasks on the exercise sheet solved correctly. If tutors do not provide feedback, the maximum of achievable points is assumed.
      • Exercise instructors overwrite ratings of tutors whenever they get new insights on the quality or origin of solutions.
      • Exercise instructors rate students who present their program code upon request in the corresponding guided exercise meeting based on the (corrected) program code uploaded before the deadline for corrections (to be found on the exercise sheet); the corrected program can differ from that previously seen by tutors. The found quality will be projected to the whole exercise sheet even if students present only parts of it.
      • If exercise instructors get the impression (from discussions and exercise test results) that a student does not understand his or her supposedly own program code and cannot have developed the code by himself or herself, the corresponding exercise sheet will be rated with 0 points.
      • If a student repeatedly does not participate in a guided exercise meeting (physical absence in the discussions), the corresponding exercise sheet will be rated with 0 points because it is impossible to find out whether he or she understands his or her own program code. If a student repeatedly misses the discussions only partly, points will be reduced proportionately. One or two absences from exercise meetings have no consequences because a justifiable reason is assumed (e.g., technical difficulties or sickness, no confirmation necessary).
    • Up to 42 points: Sum of the 6 highest ratings of exercise tests (8 execise test overall, up to 7 points each) by the exercise instructor supported by tutors.
    • Up to 23 points: Rating of the team task (Exercise Sheet 7) by the exercise instructor supported by tutors, where the team task is rated with at most 12 points if no feedback was collected from a tutor before uploading the final solution. If an exercise instructor gets the impression that a team member does not understand program code supposedly developed by himself or herself, the team task will be rated with 0 points for this team member.
    • Extra points: Some exercise sheets can contain optional tasks marked as "Zusatzaufgabe", solving them is not obligatory. Correct solutions of such optional tasks can be honored with extra points. Extra points increase the sum of points for guided exercises, but they cannot increase the sum over the limit of 100 points.
  • Instructors rate tests based on the proportion of correctly solved tasks considering the latest version the student uploaded through Git within working time, provided that this version was believably accomplished by the student herself or himself (without the help of other persons or auxiliary means). If instructors will be convinced (at any time after the test) that you used forbidden auxiliary means or got help from other persons, or that your test results do not reflect your personal merit in any way, then the test will be rated as if you dit not participate in the test. Examination supervisors will prevent breaches of rule as good as possible. For online tests we apply the following additional rules:
    • Examination supervisors can repeatedly require students to show their working environments by panning the video cam and zooming on objects (before, during and after working time). During the whole test no other person must be in the same room. Except of usual home furnishings (including objects like lamps, wall clocks and pictures without screens and without inscriptions related to the contents of this course), technical equipment used for taking the course (you need one computer with one screen, keyboard, mouse, video cam, microphone and an internet connection, but no standby computer; if a laptop is used, there can be an additional screen, keyboard and docking station; if your camera is mounted stationary, it is recommended to use a simple mirror or a second cam (smart phone) to show the working environment, but the second cam has to be deposited out of reach after showing the environment) there must not be any electronic equipment (no scanner, printer, cell phone, smart watch, etc.), any book, script, non-blank paper, etc. within the range of arms or in sighting distance (that would allow reading directly from the working place). On the table there can be identification cards, some sheets of (at the begin of working time blank) paper, pens, and drinking glasses. Open applications on the screen are restricted to InelliJ IDEA as IDE and the meeting software (presumably Zoom) used for video control. Only one project must be open in the IDE, and this project must contain (at working time) the test tasks and (later) their solutions. All data must stay on the local computer and must not be transmitted to another computer (except of the given Git repository containing your test). The meeting software must be used so that the video cam (showing at least the face of the student, not using a virtual background) and the microphone always remain switched on and all screen contents are shared (screen sharing).
    • Before the test starts you have to show your identification card (the same that you uploaded before as picture in TUWEL) and your working environment. You can participate in the test only if your identity can be determined beyond doubt, your working envirement fulfills all requirements stated above, and your internet connection is stable enough to check all conditions.
    • After the end of the working time the meeting software must remain operating until examination supervisors tell you that you can stop it. On request you have to show your working environment again and answer questions on the test and subject matter (see below).
    • Programs to identify plagiarism or similarities in texts can be applied.
    • Course instructors can require you to answer questions on the test and subject matter any time after the test (immediately after the test at random without any cause, at a later time on suspicion of an irregularity or gap in the supervision) in the form of an oral online examination. Answers to these questions do not affect the rating of the test except if instructors attain conviction that the test results do not show the students own accomplishments or there have been significant gaps in the supervision.
    • Test supervision without gaps requires an internet connection in good order. If the internet connection gets lost, the student has to reestablish the connection as soon as possible and to upload the current state of the test through Git. After reesteblishing  the connection it is necessary to show the working environment again before continuing to work on the test. Course instructors decide in retrospect if a gapless supervision seems to be given despite the temporary connection loss (based on the duration, consistency of the versions uploaded before and after connection loss, other occurrences, possibly interviewing the student). Otherwise the last version of the test uploaded via Git before the loss of connection will be rated.
    • If test supervisors find out during working time that you are using forbidden auxiliary means or get help from other persons, then they will ask you to immediately stop to do so and to upload the current state of your test using Git. All parts of your test uploaded at this time will not be considered in the rating (this is, your test uploaded at the end of the working time will be rated as if it did not include the program parts uploaded at the incident). If you do not immediately upload your test when asked to do so (or seem to edit your test before uploading), then instructors estimate the state of your program at the time of the incident.


DayTimeDateRoomMode of examinationApplication timeApplication modeExam
Mon07:00 - 20:0030.09.2024InfLab Q*bert assessedno application-Nachtragstest zu Test 2 (Raumreservierung)
Mon07:00 - 20:0030.09.2024TILab Raum 1 assessedno application-Nachtragstest zu Test 2 (Raumreservierung)
Mon07:00 - 20:0030.09.2024InfLab Frogger assessedno application-Nachtragstest zu Test 2 (Raumreservierung)
Mon07:00 - 20:0030.09.2024InfLab Pong assessedno application-Nachtragstest zu Test 2 (Raumreservierung)
Mon07:00 - 20:0030.09.2024TILab Raum 2 assessedno application-Nachtragstest zu Test 2 (Raumreservierung)
Mon07:00 - 20:0030.09.2024TILab Raum 3 assessedno application-Nachtragstest zu Test 2 (Raumreservierung)
Mon07:00 - 20:0030.09.2024DSLab assessedno application-Nachtragstest zu Test 2 (Raumreservierung)
Mon07:00 - 20:0030.09.2024TILab Raum 5 assessedno application-Nachtragstest zu Test 2 (Raumreservierung)
Mon07:00 - 20:0030.09.2024TILab Raum 4 assessedno application-Nachtragstest zu Test 2 (Raumreservierung)
Mon09:15 - 12:0030.09.2024 Anmeldung dient nur zur Bekanntgabe des gewünschten Slots. Berechtigte Personen erhalten eine Einladung zur Testteilnahme auch ohne Anmeldung. Die genaue Zuteilung von Slot, Labor und Sitzplatz wird per eMail verschickt.assessed19.08.2024 12:00 - 22.09.2024 23:59TISSNachtragstest zu Test 2 (Slotauswahl)
Wed07:00 - 20:0014.05.2025InfLab Q*bert assessedno application-Test 1 (Raumreservierung)
Wed07:00 - 20:0014.05.2025InfLab Pong assessedno application-Test 1 (Raumreservierung)
Wed07:00 - 20:0014.05.2025TILab Raum 2 assessedno application-Test 1 (Raumreservierung)
Wed07:00 - 20:0014.05.2025TILab Raum 3 assessedno application-Test 1 (Raumreservierung)
Wed07:00 - 20:0014.05.2025TILab Raum 4 assessedno application-Test 1 (Raumreservierung)
Wed07:00 - 20:0014.05.2025TILab Raum 1 assessedno application-Test 1 (Raumreservierung)
Wed07:00 - 20:0014.05.2025InfLab Frogger assessedno application-Test 1 (Raumreservierung)
Wed07:00 - 20:0014.05.2025DSLab assessedno application-Test 1 (Raumreservierung)
Wed07:00 - 20:0014.05.2025TILab Raum 5 assessedno application-Test 1 (Raumreservierung)
Wed07:45 - 19:3014.05.2025 Nach Ende der Anmeldefrist wird Ihnen ein reservierter Computer-Arbeitsplatz in einem der Labore zugewiesenassessed21.04.2025 15:00 - 07.05.2025 11:00TISSTest 1 (Anmeldung)
Tue07:00 - 20:0024.06.2025TILab Raum 5 assessedno application-Test 2 (Raumreservierung)
Tue07:00 - 20:0024.06.2025InfLab Frogger assessedno application-Test 2 (Raumreservierung)
Tue07:00 - 20:0024.06.2025TILab Raum 1 assessedno application-Test 2 (Raumreservierung)
Tue07:00 - 20:0024.06.2025TILab Raum 2 assessedno application-Test 2 (Raumreservierung)
Tue07:00 - 20:0024.06.2025TILab Raum 4 assessedno application-Test 2 (Raumreservierung)
Tue07:00 - 20:0024.06.2025InfLab Pong assessedno application-Test 2 (Raumreservierung)
Tue07:00 - 20:0024.06.2025InfLab Q*bert assessedno application-Test 2 (Raumreservierung)
Tue07:00 - 20:0024.06.2025DSLab assessedno application-Test 2 (Raumreservierung)
Tue07:00 - 20:0024.06.2025TILab Raum 3 assessedno application-Test 2 (Raumreservierung)
Tue07:45 - 19:3024.06.2025 Nach Ende der Anmeldefrist wird Ihnen ein reservierter Computer-Arbeitsplatz in einem der Labore zugewiesenassessed02.06.2025 15:00 - 18.06.2025 11:00TISSTest 2 (Anmeldung)
Thu07:00 - 18:0026.06.2025InfLab Pong assessedno application-Nachtragstest zu Test 1 (Raumreservierung)
Thu07:00 - 20:0026.06.2025TILab Raum 4 assessedno application-Nachtragstest zu Test 1 (Raumreservierung)
Thu07:00 - 20:0026.06.2025TILab Raum 2 assessedno application-Nachtragstest zu Test 1 (Raumreservierung)
Thu07:00 - 20:0026.06.2025InfLab Frogger assessedno application-Nachtragstest zu Test 1 (Raumreservierung)
Thu07:00 - 20:0026.06.2025DSLab assessedno application-Nachtragstest zu Test 1 (Raumreservierung)
Thu07:00 - 20:0026.06.2025TILab Raum 1 assessedno application-Nachtragstest zu Test 1 (Raumreservierung)
Thu07:00 - 20:0026.06.2025TILab Raum 3 assessedno application-Nachtragstest zu Test 1 (Raumreservierung)
Thu07:00 - 20:0026.06.2025TILab Raum 5 assessedno application-Nachtragstest zu Test 1 (Raumreservierung)
Thu07:00 - 20:0026.06.2025InfLab Q*bert assessedno application-Nachtragstest zu Test 1 (Raumreservierung)

Group dates

di16aTue16:00 - 17:0029.03.2022 - 21.06.2022InfLab Frogger 185.A92 Introduction to Programming 2 di16a
di16bTue16:00 - 17:0029.03.2022 - 21.06.2022InfLab Q*bert 185.A92 Introduction to Programming 2 di16b
di17aTue17:00 - 18:0029.03.2022 - 21.06.2022InfLab Frogger 185.A92 Introduction to Programming 2 di17a
di17bTue17:00 - 18:0029.03.2022 - 21.06.2022InfLab Q*bert 185.A92 Introduction to Programming 2 di17b
di18aTue18:00 - 19:0029.03.2022 - 21.06.2022InfLab Frogger 185.A92 Introduction to Programming 2 di18a
di18bTue18:00 - 19:0029.03.2022 - 21.06.2022InfLab Q*bert 185.A92 Introduction to Programming 2 di18b
do12aThu12:00 - 13:0031.03.2022 - 23.06.2022InfLab Frogger 185.A92 Introduction to Programming 2 do12a
do12bThu12:00 - 13:0031.03.2022 - 23.06.2022InfLab Q*bert 185.A92 Introduction to Programming 2 do12b
do13aThu13:00 - 14:0031.03.2022 - 23.06.2022InfLab Frogger 185.A92 Introduction to Programming 2 do13a
do13bThu13:00 - 14:0031.03.2022 - 23.06.2022InfLab Q*bert 185.A92 Introduction to Programming 2 do13b
do14aThu14:00 - 15:0031.03.2022 - 23.06.2022InfLab Frogger 185.A92 Introduction to Programming 2 do14a
do14bThu14:00 - 15:0031.03.2022 - 23.06.2022InfLab Q*bert 185.A92 Introduction to Programming 2 do14b
do15aThu15:00 - 16:0031.03.2022 - 23.06.2022InfLab Frogger 185.A92 Introduction to Programming 2 do15a
do15bThu15:00 - 16:0031.03.2022 - 23.06.2022InfLab Q*bert 185.A92 Introduction to Programming 2 do15b
do16aThu16:00 - 17:0031.03.2022 - 23.06.2022InfLab Frogger 185.A92 Introduction to Programming 2 do16a
do16bThu16:00 - 17:0031.03.2022 - 23.06.2022InfLab Q*bert 185.A92 Introduction to Programming 2 do16b
do17aThu17:00 - 18:0031.03.2022 - 23.06.2022InfLab Frogger 185.A92 Introduction to Programming 2 do17a
do17bThu17:00 - 18:0031.03.2022 - 23.06.2022InfLab Q*bert 185.A92 Introduction to Programming 2 do17b
do18aThu18:00 - 19:0031.03.2022 - 23.06.2022InfLab Frogger 185.A92 Introduction to Programming 2 do18a
do18bThu18:00 - 19:0031.03.2022 - 23.06.2022InfLab Q*bert 185.A92 Introduction to Programming 2 do18b
mo14aMon14:00 - 15:0028.03.2022 - 20.06.2022InfLab Frogger 185.A92 VU Introduction to Programming 2 - mo14a
mo14bMon14:00 - 15:0028.03.2022 - 20.06.2022InfLab Q*bert 185.A92 VU Introduction to Programming 2 - mo14b
mo15aMon15:00 - 16:0028.03.2022 - 20.06.2022InfLab Frogger 185.A92 Introduction to Programming 2 mo15a
mo15bMon15:00 - 16:0028.03.2022 - 20.06.2022InfLab Q*bert 185.A92 Introduction to Programming 2 mo15b
mo16aMon16:00 - 17:0028.03.2022 - 20.06.2022InfLab Frogger 185.A92 Introduction to Programming 2 mo16a
mo16bMon16:00 - 17:0028.03.2022 - 20.06.2022InfLab Q*bert 185.A92 Introduction to Programming 2 mo16b
mo17aMon17:00 - 18:0028.03.2022 - 20.06.2022InfLab Frogger 185.A92 Introduction to Programming 2 mo17a
mo17bMon17:00 - 18:0028.03.2022 - 20.06.2022InfLab Q*bert 185.A92 Introduction to Programming 2 mo17b
mo18aMon18:00 - 19:0028.03.2022 - 20.06.2022InfLab Frogger 185.A92 Introduction to Programming 2 mo18a
mo18bMon18:00 - 19:0028.03.2022 - 20.06.2022InfLab Q*bert 185.A92 Introduction to Programming 2 mo18b

Course registration

Begin End Deregistration end
15.02.2022 00:00 11.03.2022 11:00

Group Registration

GroupRegistration FromTo
di16a07.03.2022 15:0011.03.2022 11:00
di16b07.03.2022 15:0011.03.2022 11:00
di17a07.03.2022 15:0011.03.2022 11:00
di17b07.03.2022 15:0011.03.2022 11:00
di18a07.03.2022 15:0011.03.2022 11:00
di18b07.03.2022 15:0011.03.2022 11:00
do12a07.03.2022 15:0011.03.2022 11:00
do12b07.03.2022 15:0011.03.2022 11:00
do13a07.03.2022 15:0011.03.2022 11:00
do13b07.03.2022 15:0011.03.2022 11:00
do14a07.03.2022 15:0011.03.2022 11:00
do14b07.03.2022 15:0011.03.2022 11:00
do15a07.03.2022 15:0011.03.2022 11:00
do15b07.03.2022 15:0011.03.2022 11:00
do16a07.03.2022 15:0011.03.2022 11:00
do16b07.03.2022 15:0011.03.2022 11:00
do17a07.03.2022 15:0011.03.2022 11:00
do17b07.03.2022 15:0011.03.2022 11:00
do18a07.03.2022 15:0011.03.2022 11:00
do18b07.03.2022 15:0011.03.2022 11:00
mo14a07.03.2022 15:0011.03.2022 11:00
mo14b07.03.2022 15:0011.03.2022 11:00
mo15a07.03.2022 15:0011.03.2022 11:00
mo15b07.03.2022 15:0011.03.2022 11:00
mo16a07.03.2022 15:0011.03.2022 11:00
mo16b07.03.2022 15:0011.03.2022 11:00
mo17a07.03.2022 15:0011.03.2022 11:00
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Study CodeObligationSemesterPrecon.Info
033 526 Business Informatics Mandatory2. Semester
033 532 Media Informatics and Visual Computing Mandatory2. Semester
033 533 Medical Informatics Mandatory2. Semester
033 534 Software & Information Engineering Mandatory2. Semester
033 535 Computer Engineering Mandatory2. Semester


A script is available for download (in German only).

Previous knowledge

Before participating in the course students must be able to

  • develop, modify, debug and document simple programs in Java as well as trace their executions,
  • describe basic precedural concepts of Java,
  • describe basic algorithms for searching in and sorting of arrays,
  • describe sources of errors in simple procedural programs,
  • act autonomously when solving programming tasks and communicate basic properties of simple programs.


Preceding courses

Accompanying courses

