After successful completion of the course, students are able to
Remark: The target group of this course are students from programmes whose curriculum does not include a programming education. Students with a programming education in their curriculum (in particular, computer science students) are most welcome to work as teachers in these programming courses by attending the course 192.055 "IT-Projects for Youth".
Our course is organized as part of the "Welcome.TU.Code" initiative of the Faculty of Informatics, whose mission was and is to teach basic computer skills to refugees. It is planned to organize this course for ca. 15 -20 refugees together with 5 students of TU Wien. Apart from learning basic programming techniques, the cultural exchange and the experience of joint studying with refugees will be an important aspect of this course.
In this semester, the course will be exclusively held online via Zoom meetings. In these Zoom meetings, certain aspects of programming will be introduced in short presentations by the trainers. After that, exercises will be jointly solved in small groups. Any further details will be provided in the first class (also via Zoom, see Events in TISS).
Assessment is based on solving homework exercises and active presence in the lecture.