183.661 Mobile (App) Software Engineering Canceled
This course is in all assigned curricula part of the STEOP.
This course is in at least 1 assigned curriculum part of the STEOP.

2023S, VU, 2.0h, 3.0EC


  • Semester hours: 2.0
  • Credits: 3.0
  • Type: VU Lecture and Exercise
  • Format: Online

Learning outcomes

After successful completion of the course, students are able to...

- design and develop mobile apps for Android or iOS independently
- evaluate different development frameworks in terms of their strengths and weaknesses and assess their suitability for a given problem
- understand critical security aspects for mobile app development and take them into account during development

Important Information

Starting with winter semester 2020, you can choose between Android or iOS for the practice part when you register. We have observed in the last semesters that Apple's hardware requirements for iOS development can prevent the formation of iOS teams. Therefore, we provide additional hardware support in the form of Apple loan units for iOS development. Further details will be announced in the preparatory meeting. Participation in all lectures is possible regardless of the choice of the exercise part.

Subject of course

The professional development of mobile apps on modern tablets and smartphones is still a methodical patchwork from an engineering point of view, i.e. with regard to the professional execution of a project, as it is common in modern software engineering. There are various reasons for this:

- Weaknesses in the available frameworks
- Ongoing technology change due to strong evolution of the devices
- Change in the technology landscape and sensors
- Elaborate coordination of the topics performance, security, usability, interface design, marketing, process changes in workflows combined with the wide range of possibilities
- Problems of resource conservation for methods of testing for the technology
- Emergence and integration problems in IoT and M2M
- Lack of availability of experienced (app) engineers
- Lack of global experience with this new technology
- General weaknesses in End2End-Engineering with Mobile Apps as end system

Experienced engineers of large projects experience the development of mobile apps as unstructured tinkering with strengths in some topics and problem areas, but without the profound usual overall content and the building of sustainability. They often wish for other developers, without understanding that the problems of the topic or basic technology are simply problems of the youth of this new discipline.

All in all, the implementation of solutions with smart (current and future) devices will remain complex and semi-structured for some time. The present FVO approaches this topic from the perspective of the overall project manager and responsible (app) software engineer. None of the individual topics of the FVO can solve the overall problem, but the sum of the contents, experiences, technologies and suggestions can make the mobile app development a bit more professional. This is the goal of the LVA.

Teaching methods

The lectures cover the following topics:

  • Android and iOS app development
  • Mobile Prototyping
  • Platform Guidelines
  • Mobile testing and test automation
  • Security Aspects
  • Continuous integration and DevOps for mobile apps

The course is divided into a lecture and an exercise part. In the lecture important basics of the holistic approach for the development of mobile applications as well as related technology approaches and methods are presented and discussed. Due to the complexity of the topic it is not possible to present all subject details in single lecture units in the necessary depth (for professional implementation). Here the LVA refers to in-depth literature. The aim is to strengthen the view of the overall project.

In the practice part, a task is to be developed in small groups from the initial concept to the production-related app. Great importance is attached to the communication of platform-specific best practices regarding UX and design patterns.

Mode of examination


Additional information

Aufwandsschätzung (ECTS-Breakdown)

  •     1h Vorbesprechung
  •     12h Vorlesung (=8 x 90 min)
  •     55h Durchführung des Übungsteils in Gruppen
  •     4h Vorbereitung der Abschlusspräsentation
  •     3h Abschlusspräsentation

Summe: 75 Stunden (3 ECTS)

Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an mse@inso.tuwien.ac.at.



Course dates

Wed17:00 - 19:0008.03.2023 Online via ZoomVorbesprechung - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89771025503?pwd=Q01pUFh1cUVwZGNhUVBMeHhESDVMQT09
Wed17:00 - 19:0015.03.2023 - 03.05.2023 Online via Zoom183661
Thu17:00 - 19:0023.03.2023 - 30.03.2023 Online via ZoomiOS Architecture Workshop
Tue17:00 - 19:0028.03.2023 Online via ZoomVorlesung
Wed17:00 - 19:0010.05.2023 Online via ZoomVorlesung
Mobile (App) Software Engineering - Single appointments
Wed08.03.202317:00 - 19:00 Online via ZoomVorbesprechung - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89771025503?pwd=Q01pUFh1cUVwZGNhUVBMeHhESDVMQT09
Wed15.03.202317:00 - 19:00 Online via ZoomAndroid & iOS Basics
Wed22.03.202317:00 - 19:00 Online via ZoomAndroid Architecture Workshop
Thu23.03.202317:00 - 19:00 Online via ZoomiOS Architecture Workshop
Tue28.03.202317:00 - 19:00 Online via ZoomVorlesung
Wed29.03.202317:00 - 19:00 Online via ZoomAndroid UI Workshop
Thu30.03.202317:00 - 19:00 Online via ZoomiOS UI Workshop
Wed19.04.202317:00 - 19:00 Online via ZoomTesting
Wed26.04.202317:00 - 19:00 Online via ZoomSecurity
Wed03.05.202317:00 - 19:00 Online via ZoomVorlesung
Wed10.05.202317:00 - 19:00 Online via ZoomVorlesung

Examination modalities

Practical assignment (development of a mobile app), to be completed in small groups

Course registration

Begin End Deregistration end
08.03.2023 20:00 12.03.2023 23:59 12.03.2023 23:59

Group Registration

GroupRegistration FromTo
Track A - Android02.03.2023 10:0014.03.2023 23:59
Track A - iOS02.03.2023 10:0014.03.2023 23:59
Track B - Android08.03.2023 20:0012.03.2023 23:59



No lecture notes are available.


