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183.621 Computer Vision Seminar for Master students
This course is in all assigned curricula part of the STEOP.
This course is in at least 1 assigned curriculum part of the STEOP.

2020S, SE, 2.0h, 2.0EC


  • Semester hours: 2.0
  • Credits: 2.0
  • Type: SE Seminar

Learning outcomes

After successful completion of the course, students are able to...

  • take into account the feedback of the supervisors and other seminar participants
  • describe briefly and concisely the progress of the work
  • hold a final lecture in accordance with the diploma examination

Subject of course

Oral presentations of Master students about contribution, problems and results of their work, support on writing of scientific papers.

Teaching methods

Ongoing oral feedback on the seminar dates

Mode of examination


Additional information

This seminary is held in parallel to the work on the master thesis. It allows the presentation and the discussion of the contents of the master thesis. Therefore the work on a master thesis is prerequisite for attending this course.

ECTS Breakdown: 2 ECTS = 50h

8h    Seminar
30h  Preparation of presenations about the progress of the master thesis
12h  Preparation of final master thesis presentation

Please consider the plagiarism guidelines of TU Wien when writing your seminar paper: Directive concerning the handling of plagiarism (PDF)



Course dates

Mon10:00 - 12:0009.03.2020Seminarraum FAV 01 A (Seminarraum 183/2) Seminartermin

Examination modalities

Final presentation

Course registration

Not necessary



No lecture notes are available.


