183.239 Software Engineering and Project Management
This course is in all assigned curricula part of the STEOP.
This course is in at least 1 assigned curriculum part of the STEOP.

2021W, VO, 2.0h, 3.0EC


  • Semester hours: 2.0
  • Credits: 3.0
  • Type: VO Lecture
  • Format: Online

Learning outcomes

After successful completion of the course, students are able to

  • choose appropriate process models in software development
  • to manage all phases of a software development project based on a chosen process model
  • model application scenarios in UML
  • understand quality assurance and quality management in the context of software development
  • manage software projects over their entire lifecycle
  • identify and define risks in software projects
  • understand the human factor in software development 

Subject of course

  • Introduction to Software Engineering
  • Process frameworks and roles in software engineering
  • Concepts and methods in analysis, design, development, implementation, integration, testing and deployment
  • Modeling in UML
  • Basic knowledge of quality assurance and quality management in the context of software development
  • Fundamentals of project planning and project controlling
  • Fundamentals of risk management, "The human being in the project"

Teaching methods

The teaching content is based on selected case studies. This enables the students to establish a direct connection to practice and thus promotes understanding.   

Mode of examination


Additional information


  • Preliminary discussion (1 hour)
  • Attending the lectures; 9 lectures (21 hours)
  • Preparation for the lectures (18 hours)
  • Preparation for the exam (33 hours)
  • Exam (2 hours)

Total: 75 hours (3ECTS)

If you have any questions, please contact care4u@inso.tuwien.ac.at.



Course dates

Mon14:00 - 15:0004.10.2021 Live via Zoom (https://tuwien.zoom.us/j/93821481505) (LIVE)Vorbesprechung
Thu16:00 - 18:0014.10.2021 Zoom Link siehe TUWEL (LIVE)Einführung
Thu16:00 - 18:0021.10.2021 Zoom Link siehe TUWEL (LIVE)Fallbeispiel I
Thu16:00 - 18:0028.10.2021 Zoom Link siehe TUWEL (LIVE)Fallbeispiel II
Thu16:00 - 18:0018.11.2021 Zoom Link siehe TUWEL (LIVE)Analyse und Entwurf I
Tue16:00 - 18:0023.11.2021 Zoom Link siehe TUWEL (LIVE)Analyse und Entwurf II
Thu16:00 - 18:0025.11.2021 Zoom Link siehe TUWEL (LIVE)Implementierung, Integration, Testen und Inbetriebnahme I
Thu16:00 - 18:0002.12.2021 Zoom Link siehe TUWEL (LIVE)Implementierung, Integration, Testen und Inbetriebnahme II
Thu16:00 - 18:0009.12.2021 Zoom Link siehe TUWEL (LIVE)Vorgehensmodelle, Qualitätssicherung, Projekt- und Risikomanagement I
Thu16:00 - 18:0016.12.2021 Zoom Link siehe TUWEL (LIVE)Vorgehensmodelle, Qualitätssicherung, Projekt- und Risikomanagement II

Examination modalities

The proof of performance takes place in the form of a written lecture examination. The use of any documents during the exam is prohibited.

  • The exam is administered in Tuwel and held with Zoom.
  • Closed Book exam
  • You will need an external camera pointed sideways at you and the monitor(s) (the monitor screen must be visible, if necessary you will be asked to adapt the camera position). Otherwise, participation is not possible.
  • A front camera is not required.
  • If there are other monitors around you that are not visible on the camera image, they must be covered with a cloth.
  • Please guarantee that we can contact you via audio. 
  • The LVA management reserves the right to invite individual students to an review meeting after the exam (plausibility check of answers)

Course registration

Begin End Deregistration end
16.09.2021 16:00 02.02.2022 08:00 03.02.2022 12:00


Study CodeObligationSemesterPrecon.Info
033 526 Business Informatics Mandatory4. SemesterSTEOP
Course requires the completion of the introductory and orientation phase
033 531 Data Engineering & Statistics Mandatory4. Semester
033 532 Media Informatics and Visual Computing Mandatory4. SemesterSTEOP
Course requires the completion of the introductory and orientation phase
033 533 Medical Informatics Mandatory4. SemesterSTEOP
Course requires the completion of the introductory and orientation phase
033 534 Software & Information Engineering Mandatory4. SemesterSTEOP
Course requires the completion of the introductory and orientation phase
066 939 Business Engineering and Computer Science Mandatory elective


T. Grechenig, M. Bernhart, R. Breiteneder, K. Kappel, Softwaretechnik: mit Fallbeispielen aus realen Entwicklungsprojekten, Pearson Studium, 2009


