Technical and methodical skills: methods of scientific work, life in academia.
Cognitive and practical skills: systematic investigation, presentation techniques, structured and concise communication in presentations and writing, applying skills acquired in the courses of the curriculum to an assigned task.
Social competence, qualifications in innovation, creativity: self management, personal responsibility and initialtive, capacity for teamwork, finding creative solutions, reflection about ones work within the technical and social context.
Students do a literature search, write a scientific report, and make a presentation about a selected topic that is in scope of the focus of the curriculum. The findings of this work are presented in a written report and an oral presentation.
Didactic concept: At the beginning of the course the topic of investigation is discussed with the supervisor. Once the topic has been fixed students work on the topic and regularly report to the supervisor, to get feedback on the work done, to report and discuss problems, and to plan further actions.
Grading is based on the active cooperation, the written and the oral presentation.
Qualifications and skills taught in compulsory modules of the curriculum and in the course on scientific working.