180.778 Seminar for Master Students in Computer Engineering
This course is in all assigned curricula part of the STEOP.
This course is in at least 1 assigned curriculum part of the STEOP.

2023W, SE, 1.0h, 1.5EC


  • Semester hours: 1.0
  • Credits: 1.5
  • Type: SE Seminar
  • Format: Presence

Learning outcomes

After successful completion of the course, students are able to

  • get feedback on the topic and the actual work on a complex topic (Master thesis),
  • present and defend the results of their Master thesis,
  • get inspiration from presentations of other students,
  • get to know students who work on similar topics.

Subject of course

The goal of this course is to additionally support students before and when drafting their Master thesis and preparing for the final defense: Students get feedback from computer engineering professors and other students, and can learn from the presentations of their colleagues. Furthermore, this course facilitates community building in the area of computer engineering and supports students in finding topics for their prospective Master theses and in writing their proposals.

Teaching methods

This course requires solving the following tasks:

  1. Presentation and discussion of the Master thesis proposal (written draft and 10 min talk + 10 min discussion, in German or English). Duly before your presentation, your supervisor must upload a draft of the Diplomarbeitsanmeldung to the webpage of the TI Research Presenations. (external Supervisors are kindly requested to contact Prof. Ulrich Schmid (s@ecs.tuwien.ac.at) for this purpose).The feedback gathered shall help you to shape the particular topic and to submit a convincing Diplomarbeitsanmeldung. IMPORTANT:
    • Please enrol for a proposal presentation in this seminar only after the particular topic of your thesis, the actual scope and the envisioned content are reasonably clear and have been approved by your supervisor!
    • Your supervisor or, in case of unavailability, the co-supervising UAss, must be present at least via Zoom during your presentation and in the following discussion, and has to make sure that the feedack is considered appropriately in the final proposal. When uploading the proposal in TISS, the supervisor must certify (in the comment field) that the feedback has been incorporated.
  2. Presentation of the most important results of the Master thesis (20 min + 10 min discussion). The gathered feedback of this "dry run" of your Master thesis presentation shall help you to deliver a good presentation at the official Master thesis defense.

In addition, we offer a few optional introductory lectures (foundations of scientific working, how to participate in scientific communities, how to present a scientific paper).

Students who are still looking out for a suitable topic for their Master thesis are cordially invited to all presentations! The schedule can be found at the web page of the TI Research Presentations.

Mode of examination


Additional information

There are several presentation days spread over the semester, consult the web page of the TI Research Presentations for details. To book a slot for your presentations, please contact (in time!) your Master thesis supervisor! Important: A draft version of your Master thesis proposal must have been uploaded to the above webpage of the TI Research Presentations 1-2 days before your presentation in this seminar, to allow all interested people to inform themselves beforehand. Your supervisor must be present at least online (or, if unavailable, substituted by the co-supervising UAss) during your presentation! Please note also that the proposal must be be submitted to the Studiendekanat for approval (via upload in TISS by the supervisor) only after this presentation.

ECTS Breakdown:

8.5 h Preparation+presentation Master thesis proposal

2.0 Presence at other presentations

27 h Preparation+presentation Master thesis results



Please consider the plagiarism guidelines of TU Wien when writing your seminar paper: Directive concerning the handling of plagiarism (PDF)



Course dates

Mon11:00 - 13:0002.10.2023 - 22.01.2024Seminarraum DE0110 Lecture
Seminar for Master Students in Computer Engineering - Single appointments
Mon02.10.202311:00 - 13:00Seminarraum DE0110 Lecture
Mon09.10.202311:00 - 13:00Seminarraum DE0110 Lecture
Mon16.10.202311:00 - 13:00Seminarraum DE0110 Lecture
Mon23.10.202311:00 - 13:00Seminarraum DE0110 Lecture
Mon30.10.202311:00 - 13:00Seminarraum DE0110 Lecture
Mon06.11.202311:00 - 13:00Seminarraum DE0110 Lecture
Mon13.11.202311:00 - 13:00Seminarraum DE0110 Lecture
Mon20.11.202311:00 - 13:00Seminarraum DE0110 Lecture
Mon27.11.202311:00 - 13:00Seminarraum DE0110 Lecture
Mon04.12.202311:00 - 13:00Seminarraum DE0110 Lecture
Mon11.12.202311:00 - 13:00Seminarraum DE0110 Lecture
Mon18.12.202311:00 - 13:00Seminarraum DE0110 Lecture
Mon08.01.202411:00 - 13:00Seminarraum DE0110 Lecture
Mon15.01.202411:00 - 13:00Seminarraum DE0110 Lecture
Mon22.01.202411:00 - 13:00Seminarraum DE0110 Lecture

Examination modalities

Assessment of the presentations (slides, talks, responses to questions); presence at at least 3 other presentations of Master thesis proposals and 2 completed Master theses.

Course registration

Not necessary


Study CodeObligationSemesterPrecon.Info
066 938 Computer Engineering Mandatory


No lecture notes are available.


