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180.777 Seminar for Master Students in Software Engineering & Internet Computing
This course is in all assigned curricula part of the STEOP.
This course is in at least 1 assigned curriculum part of the STEOP.

2018W, SE, 1.0h, 1.5EC


  • Semester hours: 1.0
  • Credits: 1.5
  • Type: SE Seminar

Aim of course

Aim of course

The goal of this course is to additionally support students when drafting their Master thesis and preparing for the final defense. Students will get feedback from professors and other students, and can learn from the presentations of their colleagues. Furthermore, this course facilitates community building in the area of information systems engineering and supports students in finding topics for their prospective Master theses.

Subject of course

Subject of course


This course involves the following tasks.

Presentation and discussion of the Master thesis proposal (10 min + 10 min discussion). The feedback schould help the students to shape the particular topic and to develop a sound Diplomarbeitsanmeldung.

Presentation of the most important results of the Master thesis (20 min + 10 min discussion). The gathered feedback from professors and colleagues shall help the students to eventually deliver a convincing Master thesis defense.

Students who are still looking out for a suitable topic for their Master thesis are cordially invited to all presentations!

ECTS Breakdown:

8.5 h Preparation+presentation Master thesis proposal

12.0 Presence at presentation days

17 h Preparation+presentation Master thesis results

Additional information

Please consider the plagiarism guidelines of TU Wien when writing your seminar paper: Directive concerning the handling of plagiarism (PDF)



Course dates

Fri09:15 - 10:4512.10.2018 Besprechungsraum 194, Favoritenstrasse 9-11, Stiege 3, 2ter Stock HD0215Lecture Introduction to Scientific Working
Thu09:15 - 10:4518.10.2018 Besprechungsraum 194, Favoritenstrasse 9-11, Stiege 3, 2ter Stock HD0215Lecture Introduction to Scientific Writing
Fri10:00 - 14:3030.11.2018 Besprechungsraum 194, Favoritenstrasse 9-11, Stiege 3, 2ter Stock HD0215Presentation day MTI
Tue09:15 - 10:4508.01.2019 Besprechungsraum 194, Favoritenstrasse 9-11, Stiege 3, 2ter Stock HD0215Lecture Introduction to Scientific Presentations
Fri11:00 - 16:0011.01.2019 Besprechungsraum 194, Favoritenstrasse 9-11, Stiege 3, 2ter Stock HD0215Presentation day MTI
Wed09:00 - 16:0027.02.2019 Besprechungsraum 194, Favoritenstrasse 9-11, Stiege 3, 2ter Stock HD0215Presentation day MTI

Examination modalities

Examination modalities

Earning a certificate requires the following:

  1. Presentation of the Master thesis proposal
  2. Presence on at least 3 presentation days (half day)
  3. Presentation of the results of the Master thesis

These contributions can be spread over several semesters.

Course registration

Begin End Deregistration end
09.10.2018 10:00 07.11.2018 10:00 08.11.2018 10:00


Study CodeObligationSemesterPrecon.Info
066 937 Software Engineering & Internet Computing Mandatory


No lecture notes are available.

