Am 30. Juli 2024 wird es aufgrund einer wichtigen Datenbankaktualisierung zwischen 8 und 11 Uhr zu Serviceunterbrechungen in den Bereichen Student-Self-Service und Personalbedarf kommen. Vielen Dank für Ihr Verständnis.

180.773 Seminar für Diplomand_innen für Logic and Computation
Diese Lehrveranstaltung ist in allen zugeordneten Curricula Teil der STEOP.
Diese Lehrveranstaltung ist in mindestens einem zugeordneten Curriculum Teil der STEOP.

2022W, SE, 1.0h, 1.5EC


  • Semesterwochenstunden: 1.0
  • ECTS: 1.5
  • Typ: SE Seminar
  • Format der Abhaltung: Online


Nach positiver Absolvierung der Lehrveranstaltung sind Studierende in der Lage...

- properly structure and write their master thesis proposal 

- properly prepare a research presentation describing results of their master thesis. 

Inhalt der Lehrveranstaltung

This seminar  involves the following tasks:

  1. Presentation and discussion of the Master thesis proposal (10 min + 10 min discussion). Based on the received feedback, students should be able to develop a sound and coherent proposal (Diplomarbeitsanmeldung) of their master thesis.
  2. Presentation of the most important results of the Master thesis (20 min + 10 min discussion). After this presentation, using the received feedback, student should be able to prepare a convincing presentation to be eventually presented within their Master thesis defense.



The seminar will consists of individual meetings between students and their supervisors. 

Further, students will give online presentations in the seminar, presenting plans for their master thesis. These presentations are meant to train and support students in revising their master thesis proposals. Based on the received feedback, students should finalize their master thesis proposal. This proposal should be submitted to the study deans (online, following our faculty requirements), as first step towards completing their master thesis.

Finally, once the planned master thesis work is completed, students are expected to present their master thesis in the research group/unit of their supervisor. This presentation should serve as a dry run of the students' upcoming master thesis defense. 




Weitere Informationen

The seminar is mandatory for all students finalizing their master studies after 2021 November. 


  • Kick-off meeting: Thu Oct 13 2022, 09:00-10:00, online

  • Presentation slots for MSc thesis proposals (mode to be determined)

    • Mon Nov 14, 2022, 9-12h max
    • Mon Dec 12, 2022, 9-12h max
    • Tue Jan 17, 2023, 9-12h max
Beachten Sie beim Verfassen der Ausarbeitung bitte die Richtlinie der TU Wien zum Umgang mit Plagiaten: Leitfaden zum Umgang mit Plagiaten (PDF)

Vortragende Personen


LVA Termine

Do.09:00 - 10:0013.10.2022 (LIVE)Kick-off meeting
Mo.09:00 - 12:0014.11.2022 zoom1. proposal meeting
Mo.09:00 - 12:0012.12.2022 zoom2. proposal meeting
Di.09:00 - 12:0017.01.2023 zoom3. proposal meeting


For each student, the grading will be based on the submitted master thesis proposal  and the student seminar talk presenting results of the master thesis. 


Von Bis Abmeldung bis
06.10.2022 09:00 06.11.2022 10:00


GruppeAnmeldung VonBis
1 . 9:15-9:4019.12.2022 09:0016.01.2023 23:59
2 . 9:40-10:0519.12.2022 09:0016.01.2023 23:59
3 . 10:05-10:3019.12.2022 09:0016.01.2023 23:59
4 . 10:30-10:5519.12.2022 09:0016.01.2023 23:59
5 . 10:55-11:2019.12.2022 09:0016.01.2023 23:59
6 . 11:20-11:4519.12.2022 09:0016.01.2023 23:59
7. 11:45-12:1019.12.2022 09:0016.01.2023 23:59
Slot 1: 9:30-9:5522.11.2022 08:0025.11.2022 08:00
Slot 2: 9:55-10:2022.11.2022 08:0025.11.2022 08:00
Slot 3: 10:20-10:4522.11.2022 08:0025.11.2022 08:00
Slot 4: 10:45-11:1022.11.2022 08:0025.11.2022 08:00
Slot 5: 11:10-11:3522.11.2022 08:0025.11.2022 08:00
Slot on December 6th, 9-1203.11.2022 10:0011.11.2022 10:00
Slot on January 25th, 9-1203.11.2022 10:0011.11.2022 10:00
Slot on November 19th, 9-1203.11.2022 10:0011.11.2022 10:00


066 011 DDP Computational Logic (Erasmus-Mundus) Pflichtfach
066 931 Logic and Computation Pflichtfach


Es wird kein Skriptum zur Lehrveranstaltung angeboten.

