166.176 Seminar accompanying the diploma thesis (biotechnology and bioanalytics)
This course is in all assigned curricula part of the STEOP.
This course is in at least 1 assigned curriculum part of the STEOP.

2023W, SE, 1.5h, 1.5EC


  • Semester hours: 1.5
  • Credits: 1.5
  • Type: SE Seminar
  • LectureTube course
  • Format: Presence

Learning outcomes

After successful completion of the course, students are able to know about current research directions in the field of biotechnology and bioanalytics, discuss them and critically examine them. They are able to present the results achieved in their final theses to a broader public within the framework of the seminar and to gain new insights for their work on the basis of constructive criticism.

Subject of course

Current research topis and questions in the field of biotechnology and bioanalytics will be presented by internal and external guest lecturers. Presentation of the results of the dissertations and diploma theses in the field of biotechnology and bioanalytics.

Teaching methods

Design of the presentation of the final paper, presentation of the final paper, discussion of current research.

Mode of examination


Additional information

The document to confirm attendance at each lecture can be found in TISS.

The 8 signature by the course coordinator can be collected over several semesters.

Please register for the thesis presentation by email (bernhard.seiboth@tuwien.ac.at). The presentation of the diploma thesis includes a 10-minute talk on the results of your thesis. For this presentation 3 dates are offered per semester.

At the presentation, the practical work must be completed.

Lectures will take place on site and will be streamed using Lecture Tube (link in TUWEL).

Dates for the seminar. Details will be added at the beginning of the semeste

6.10. Diploma thesis presentations (1)

13.10. Diploma thesis presentations (2)

20.10. Laura Daza-Serna: Valorization routes for potato and wheat residues towards circular


           Convener: Anton Friedl and Astrid Mach-Aigner

10.11. Reinfurt Aline: Citric acid production in Aspergillus niger and how it is impacted by Mn(II) ions

           Convener: Matthias Steiger

17.11. Susanne Fritsche: Zooming In and Tweaking Genes: Exploring Aspergillus niger's

          morphology and central carbon metabolism

          Convener: Matthias Steiger

 24.11. PD Dr. Alexander Indra: tba

           AGES Institut für Medizinische Mikrobiologie und Hygiene

           Convener: Andreas Farnleitner

 1.12. Diploma thesis presentations (3)

 15.12. Audrey Laura Masi: Polyols in Filamentous Fungi

            Convener: Astrid Mach-Aigner

 19.01. Diploma thesis presentations (4)


Please consider the plagiarism guidelines of TU Wien when writing your seminar paper: Directive concerning the handling of plagiarism (PDF)



Course dates

Fri12:00 - 13:0006.10.2023 - 19.01.2024Seminarraum BA 02B Seminar zur Diplomarbeit (Biotechnologie und Bioanalytik)
Seminar accompanying the diploma thesis (biotechnology and bioanalytics) - Single appointments
Fri06.10.202312:00 - 13:00Seminarraum BA 02B Seminar zur Diplomarbeit (Biotechnologie und Bioanalytik)
Fri13.10.202312:00 - 13:00Seminarraum BA 02B Seminar zur Diplomarbeit (Biotechnologie und Bioanalytik)
Fri20.10.202312:00 - 13:00Seminarraum BA 02B Seminar zur Diplomarbeit (Biotechnologie und Bioanalytik)
Fri27.10.202312:00 - 13:00Seminarraum BA 02B Seminar zur Diplomarbeit (Biotechnologie und Bioanalytik)
Fri10.11.202312:00 - 13:00Seminarraum BA 02B Seminar zur Diplomarbeit (Biotechnologie und Bioanalytik)
Fri17.11.202312:00 - 13:00Seminarraum BA 02B Seminar zur Diplomarbeit (Biotechnologie und Bioanalytik)
Fri24.11.202312:00 - 13:00Seminarraum BA 02B Seminar zur Diplomarbeit (Biotechnologie und Bioanalytik)
Fri01.12.202312:00 - 13:00Seminarraum BA 02B Seminar zur Diplomarbeit (Biotechnologie und Bioanalytik)
Fri15.12.202312:00 - 13:00Seminarraum BA 02B Seminar zur Diplomarbeit (Biotechnologie und Bioanalytik)
Fri12.01.202412:00 - 13:00Seminarraum BA 02B Seminar zur Diplomarbeit (Biotechnologie und Bioanalytik)
Fri19.01.202412:00 - 13:00Seminarraum BA 02B Seminar zur Diplomarbeit (Biotechnologie und Bioanalytik)

Examination modalities

Delivery of the running sheet with the 8 confirmations of the seminar participation to Dr. Bernhard Seiboth and holding of the presentation of the diploma thesis.

Course registration

Not necessary


Study CodeObligationSemesterPrecon.Info
066 490 Technical Chemistry Not specified


No lecture notes are available.

