After successful completion of the course, students are able to independently use process simulation tools (flowsheeting tools) to solve chemical engineering tasks related to current research projects.
Solving of current chemical engineering tasks using industrial process simulation tools (flowsheeting tools). Designing and setting up of a simulation model based on a process description. Elaboration of relevant process parametrs (literature, short-cut methods, experimental data). Calculation of mass and energy balances of process. Investigation of effect of recycle streams on process performance and convergence behavior of model. Enhancing knowledge and use of software features as sensitivity analysis, case studies, design specification or calculator blocks.
Computer simulation (flowheeting simulation) of chemical processes.
Participation on work on current research questions. Work upon individual arrangement. Further information on procedure and topics will be available at the scheduled preliminary lecture.
Due to pandemic reasons the format of course may change.
For the course basic knowlege in chemical engineering is recommended:
Basic knowledge in process simulation (166.038 lecture "Process Simulation", 166.219 exercise" Process Simulation") is desirable, however basic knowledge can be developed in the course.