165.008 Physical Chemistry, Laboratory Course
This course is in all assigned curricula part of the STEOP.
This course is in at least 1 assigned curriculum part of the STEOP.

2022W, LU, 9.0h, 9.0EC, to be held in blocked form


  • Semester hours: 9.0
  • Credits: 9.0
  • Type: LU Laboratory Exercise
  • Format: Presence

Learning outcomes

After successful completion of the course, students are able to apply theoretical knowledge acquired in the basic lecture of physical chemistry in practical experiments, either independently or in groups, as well as to perform data analysis, evaluation and error analysis (standard deviation, outlier tests and error propagation) and to create measurement reports.

Subject of course

Practical course in Physical chemistry and physics

Practice examples from the chapters are given:

A. Ideal/real gases: 1. molar mass according to Dumas; 2. Joule-Thomson effect.

B. State changes: 1. critical point and vapour pressure determination; 2. boiling diagram; 3. melting diagram; 4. Cryoscopy.

C. Determination of thermodynamic parameters: 1st calorimeter: Precipitation and combustion reaction; 2. heat pump: Stirling engine, Peltier and Seebeck effect; 3. electrochemical cells and solar cells.

D. Physical and chemical equilibria: 1. adsorption; 2. surface tension; 3. acid-base equilibria; 4. distribution between two phases.

E. Kinetics: 1. cane sugar inversion (polarimeter); 2. ester saponification (conductivity or titration).

F. Transport phenomena: 1. diffusion; 2. measurement of the electrical conductivity of electrolyte solutions; 3. vacuum technique; 4. Viscosity.

G. Structure, quantum mechanics and natural constants: 1. dipole meter; 2. emission spectra of atoms; 3. photo effect; 4. Franck-Hertz experiment; 5. millikan experiment; 6. X-ray diffractometer.

Teaching methods

Execution of individual exercises at different test stations:

e.g. Dipolemeter, vapor pressure apparatus, calorimeter, Kofler microscope, etc.

This includes the e.g. measurement of current and voltage, pressure, pH value, refractive index, viscosity, etc.

Data evaluation and writing protocolls

Execution of error analysis for the individual results obtained

Mode of examination


Additional information


A positive completion of the Physical Chemistry I course (165.003 or 165.098)) is required as an admission criterion. ATTENDANCE at the initial meeting of the LU is required.

If the number of enrollments exceeds the number of available laboratory spaces, thus necessitating a ranking of enrolled students with fulfilled entry requirements, the following ranking criteria will apply:

Ranking Criterion 1: Passed Mathematics for TCH I Exam (104.084).

(Date and grade of the exam is NOT a criterion).

Ranking criterion 2: Date of positive PCI exam (165.098)

Ranking criterion 3: Grade of PCI exam (165.098)

Ranking criterion 4: Date of mathematics for TCH I exam (104.084)

Ranking criterion 5: Grade of mathematics for TCH I exam (104.084)


If you have questions please contact johannes.zeininger@tuwien.ac.at

! For data protection purposes we can only respond to enquiries sent from an official TU (student) e-mail address !



Course dates

Thu13:00 - 16:0006.10.2022GM 5 Praktikum HS- TCH Kurs 1: Vorbesprechung und Einführungsvorträge - Anwesenheitspflicht für Kurs 1!
13:00 - 18:0010.10.2022 - 09.11.2022 Hörerlabor Lehar 4/5 (Raumnummer BC04 H31/41)Kurs 1: Versuche - Zeininger
Thu13:00 - 16:0010.11.2022GM 5 Praktikum HS- TCH Kurs 2: Vorbesprechung und Einführungsvorträge - Anwesenheitspflicht für Kurs 2!
13:00 - 18:0016.11.2022 - 16.12.2022 Hörerlabor Lehar 4/5 (Raumnummer BC04 H31/41)Kurs 2: Versuche - Zeininger
13:00 - 18:0016.01.2023 - 19.01.2023 BC04 H41 und H31Nachversuchstag
Physical Chemistry, Laboratory Course - Single appointments
Thu06.10.202213:00 - 16:00GM 5 Praktikum HS- TCH Kurs 1: Vorbesprechung und Einführungsvorträge - Anwesenheitspflicht für Kurs 1!
Mon10.10.202213:00 - 18:00 Hörerlabor Lehar 4/5 (Raumnummer BC04 H31/41)Kurs 1: Versuche - Zeininger
Tue11.10.202213:00 - 18:00 Hörerlabor Lehar 4/5 (Raumnummer BC04 H31/41)Kurs 1: Versuche - Zeininger
Wed12.10.202213:00 - 18:00 Hörerlabor Lehar 4/5 (Raumnummer BC04 H31/41)Kurs 1: Versuche - Zeininger
Thu13.10.202213:00 - 18:00 Hörerlabor Lehar 4/5 (Raumnummer BC04 H31/41)Kurs 1: Versuche - Zeininger
Fri14.10.202213:00 - 18:00 Hörerlabor Lehar 4/5 (Raumnummer BC04 H31/41)Kurs 1: Versuche - Zeininger
Mon17.10.202213:00 - 18:00 Hörerlabor Lehar 4/5 (Raumnummer BC04 H31/41)Kurs 1: Versuche - Zeininger
Tue18.10.202213:00 - 18:00 Hörerlabor Lehar 4/5 (Raumnummer BC04 H31/41)Kurs 1: Versuche - Zeininger
Wed19.10.202213:00 - 18:00 Hörerlabor Lehar 4/5 (Raumnummer BC04 H31/41)Kurs 1: Versuche - Zeininger
Thu20.10.202213:00 - 18:00 Hörerlabor Lehar 4/5 (Raumnummer BC04 H31/41)Kurs 1: Versuche - Zeininger
Fri21.10.202213:00 - 18:00 Hörerlabor Lehar 4/5 (Raumnummer BC04 H31/41)Kurs 1: Versuche - Zeininger
Mon24.10.202213:00 - 18:00 Hörerlabor Lehar 4/5 (Raumnummer BC04 H31/41)Kurs 1: Versuche - Zeininger
Tue25.10.202213:00 - 18:00 Hörerlabor Lehar 4/5 (Raumnummer BC04 H31/41)Kurs 1: Versuche - Zeininger
Thu03.11.202213:00 - 18:00 Hörerlabor Lehar 4/5 (Raumnummer BC04 H31/41)Kurs 1: Versuche - Zeininger
Fri04.11.202213:00 - 18:00 Hörerlabor Lehar 4/5 (Raumnummer BC04 H31/41)Kurs 1: Versuche - Zeininger
Mon07.11.202213:00 - 18:00 Hörerlabor Lehar 4/5 (Raumnummer BC04 H31/41)Kurs 1: Versuche - Zeininger
Tue08.11.202213:00 - 18:00 Hörerlabor Lehar 4/5 (Raumnummer BC04 H31/41)Kurs 1: Versuche - Zeininger
Wed09.11.202213:00 - 18:00 Hörerlabor Lehar 4/5 (Raumnummer BC04 H31/41)Kurs 1: Versuche - Zeininger
Thu10.11.202213:00 - 16:00GM 5 Praktikum HS- TCH Kurs 2: Vorbesprechung und Einführungsvorträge - Anwesenheitspflicht für Kurs 2!
Wed16.11.202213:00 - 18:00 Hörerlabor Lehar 4/5 (Raumnummer BC04 H31/41)Kurs 2: Versuche - Zeininger
Course is held blocked

Examination modalities

You must successfully complete 10 exercises (it is not possible to skip exercises). Each exercise consists of: Preliminary discussion, execution, writing of minutes and debriefing. For each exercise there is a maximum of 10 points. (total number of points max. 100). The points for the partial exercises will be awarded according to the following scale: 2 points for preliminary discussion, 4 points for protocol, 4 points for debriefing + experiment execution. A sub-exercise is considered successfully passed if at least 5 points are achieved.


grading scheme

Very good:                  89 - 100

Good:                          77 - 88

Satisfactory:               64 - 76

Sufficient:                   51 - 63

Unsatisfactory:          0 – 50


  • Protocol submission: 10 working days after completion of the exercise (working days = Mon-Fri; Sat, Sun and public holidays do not count)

  • First protocol submission will be evaluated (caution: Points will be deducted if the protocol is faulty/inadequate , „Copy & Paste“ means 0 points). Only if the assistant approves the protocol, a debriefing can be made.

  • The whole group is responsible for each protocol! If you have any questions about the protocol, please contact the respective assistant before the deadline

  • During the course of the course a maximum of 2 negative performances may be achieved (partial exercises not accomplished). These must then be corrected by retries (new partial exercises).

  • Only a maximum of 2 retries are possible. (In case of a self-caused retries there will be a 50% point reduction). If these 2 retries are not enough to complete the course, the course must be repeated.

  • Attendance is compulsory for all members of a group until the end of the experiment. Failure to comply with the obligation to attend will result in the student being deprived of the day/part of the exercise and a retry must be made.
  • If the protocol is submitted late, it will not be accepted and a retry must be made! Inadequate protocols or major misconduct (e.g. endangering others) in the laboratory can also lead to retries or exclusion of the course.

  • In case of illness (doctors note, PCR-Test required) a limited amount of retries is avaliable.


Course registration

Begin End Deregistration end
03.11.2022 00:00 08.11.2022 15:00 08.11.2022 15:00

Registration modalities

Die Vorbesprechung Einführung in die PC Laborübung ist Aufnahmevoraussetzung (ohne Ausnahme)! Verspätung gilt als Nichterscheinen!

Im Zuge der Vorbesprechung werden Sie weitere Einzelheiten erfahren.


The student must have at least 1 of the course(s) completed listed below:

Group Registration

GroupRegistration FromTo
1 A13.09.2022 00:0014.09.2022 00:00
1 B13.09.2022 00:0014.09.2022 00:00
1 C13.09.2022 00:0014.09.2022 00:00
1 D13.09.2022 00:0014.09.2022 00:00
1 E13.09.2022 00:0014.09.2022 00:00
1 F13.09.2022 00:0014.09.2022 00:00
1 G13.09.2022 00:0014.09.2022 00:00
1 H13.09.2022 00:0014.09.2022 00:00
1 J13.09.2022 00:0014.09.2022 00:00
1 K13.09.2022 00:0014.09.2022 00:00
1 L13.09.2022 00:0014.09.2022 00:00
1 M13.09.2022 00:0014.09.2022 00:00
1 N13.09.2022 00:0014.09.2022 00:00
1 O13.09.2022 00:0014.09.2022 00:00
2 A13.10.2022 00:0020.10.2022 00:00
2 B13.10.2022 00:0020.10.2022 00:00
2 C13.10.2022 00:0020.10.2022 00:00
2 D13.10.2022 00:0020.10.2022 00:00
2 E13.10.2022 00:0020.10.2022 00:00
2 F13.10.2022 00:0020.10.2022 00:00
2 G13.10.2022 00:0020.10.2022 00:00
2 H13.10.2022 00:0020.10.2022 00:00
2 J13.10.2022 00:0020.10.2022 00:00
2 K13.10.2022 00:0020.10.2022 00:00
2 L13.10.2022 00:0020.10.2022 00:00


Study CodeObligationSemesterPrecon.Info
033 290 Technical Chemistry Mandatory5. SemesterSTEOP
Course requires the completion of the introductory and orientation phase


Previous knowledge

1. laboratory rules

2. physical chemistry I course (165.098)

3. experimentally relevant knowledge from the lecture Physical Chemistry II (165.115)

4. basic electronics: what is AC/DC?, What are voltage, amperage, resistance, power and work? Amperemeter and voltmeter: Measurement ranges (n-, µ-, m-, k-measurement range) - How are the cables connected? - What configurations are dangerous for the multimeter? - How to determine voltage, amperage, resistance, power, and work on a simple current circuit?

5. basics of temperature measurement: how do a Pt 100 and a type K thermocouple work?

Preceding courses

Continuative courses


  • Attendance Required!

