164.016 Seminar for diploma students

2025S, SE, 0.0h, 0.0EC


  • Semester hours: 0.0
  • Credits: 0.0
  • Type: SE Seminar
  • Format: Online

Learning outcomes

After successful completion of the course, students are able to generate an abstract for a prentation, to plan and design the presentation, and finally to perform the presentation. Moreover, discussing presentations of others will be trained.

Subject of course

Presentation and discussion of the diploma thesis concepts and training for presenting scientific results strategies for a short talk (10-15min) and plenary lectures (30-60 min) communication and rhetoric - the basics handling questions from the auditorium giving feedback without being annoying After giving a short talk (about 20 min)related to the diploma thesis, rhetoric aspects, slide layout and composition of the talk are discussed in the group. Presentations are recorded on video and handed to the student.

Teaching methods

lecture, group discussions, presenting, listening and observing

Mode of examination


Additional information

registartion to the seminar and selection of date for presentation at the first date of the seminar

Please consider the plagiarism guidelines of TU Wien when writing your seminar paper: Directive concerning the handling of plagiarism (PDF)



Examination modalities

  • participation in introductionary lectures E1 and E2 of LVA 164.251 (will be accounted if done before)
  • participation in introductionary lecture E3
  • participation at a minimum of 7 presentation dates
  • delivery of the abstract
  • performing the presentation
  • discussion/feedback of a colleague´s presentation

Course registration

Registration modalities

persönlich in der Vorbesprechung


Study CodeObligationSemesterPrecon.Info
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Lecture notes for this course are available. Unterlagen werden in elektronischer Form über TUWEL zur Verfügung gestellt


  • Attendance Required!

