After successful completion of the course, students are able to discuss and solve problems in the area of general, inorganic, organic and physical chemistry and are ably to apply this to discuss and solve problems. The basic properties of matter, driving forces of physical and chemical transformations, methods for synthesis and characterization are known and basic calculations, for example onf kinetics and thermodynamics of chemical reactions, can be performed.
Structure of atoms and trends of the periodic table: atomic, ionic and covalent radii, ionisation potentials, electron affinity, electronegativity, oxidation number.
Weak interactions and introduction to chemical bonds
Gas laws, solutions and phase diagrams
Simple kinetics and thermodynamics of chemical reactions.
Chemical reactions and equilibrium, potential (mechanical, electrical, and chemical) as the driving force of physical and chemical transformations)
Simple kinetics and thermodynamics of chemical reactions.
Fundamentals of physical/inorganic chemistry (acids and bases: Brönsted acids and bases, pH calculations, Lewis acids and bases, redox reactions, electrochemistry)
Introduction to organic chemistry (bond structures, functional groups, nomenclature and reactivity)
Fundamentals of polymerchemistry and natural products