Quarks and their interactions
Experimental indications for quarks and gluons
Mesons and baryons in the quark model
Scattering of high-energy electrons
Lagrangean of Quantum chromo dynamics
Action in classical mechanics
Action in quantum electrodynamics
Geometry of local gauge symmetries
Phenomena of quantum chromo dynamics
Confinement of quarks
Antiscreening of color
Asymptotic freedom
Chiral symmetry breaking
Lecture notes for this course are available during the lecture
or in the office of the lecturer, Operng. 9.
Books to the subject of the lecture:
F.E. Close: An Introduction to Quarks and Partons, Academic Press
W. Greiner: Theoretische Physik, Band 5, Benjamin/Cummings
K. Huang: Quarks, Leptons and Gauge Fields
F.J. Yndurain: Quantum Chromodynamics