After successful completion of the course, students are able to
Introduction to mathematical/physical/technical principles of computerassisted imaging concepts (computed tomography)
Note: 141.225 is recommended (for BME and Physics students), but not necessary
Hybrid course: lectures broadcasted with the possibility to attend in person (AKH, Center for Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering), with assignments to solve in the TUWEL courseFurther details: please see TUWEL course
Written exam containing also a practial exercise from the assignments in the TUWEL course discussed in the lecture. Exam held online in TUWEL/Zoom. Note: for additional exams (dates) contact lecturer by EMail if no exams are open for sign up in TISS, and date/time for additional exams will be arranged.
Please sign up if you wish to access the TUWEL course
141.225: recommended, but not required