Am 30. Juli 2024 wird es aufgrund einer wichtigen Datenbankaktualisierung zwischen 8 und 11 Uhr zu Serviceunterbrechungen in den Bereichen Student-Self-Service und Personalbedarf kommen. Vielen Dank für Ihr Verständnis.

141.271 Kolloquium: Complex Quantum Systems

2023W, SE, 2.0h, 2.0EC


  • Semesterwochenstunden: 2.0
  • ECTS: 2.0
  • Typ: SE Seminar
  • Format der Abhaltung: Online


Nach positiver Absolvierung der Lehrveranstaltung sind Studierende in der Lage ihre eigenen wissenschaftlichen Resultate einem breiten Fachpublikum zu präsentieren und Kontakte zu internationalen Experten herzustellen.

Inhalt der Lehrveranstaltung

This lecture series is given by international guests and is part of the doctoral program on Complex Quantum Systems (CoQuS).

Understanding quantum physics is fundamental for our understanding of nature. Presently, quantum physics itself is basic research, but a robust technological implementation of quantum physics has the potential to be one of the defining technologies of the 21st Century. The guest lectures by internationally leaders of the different branches of quantum physics will give the students an overview of recent developments and new scientific results.


Each colloquium given by an international guest speaker is preceded by a talk given by a CoQuS student, who presents his/her research projec tin 20 minutes. The CoQuS colloquium starts with a get-together which gives both students and faculty the opportunity to network with external scientists and their fellow CoQuS colleagues.



Weitere Informationen

Beachten Sie beim Verfassen der Ausarbeitung bitte die Richtlinie der TU Wien zum Umgang mit Plagiaten: Leitfaden zum Umgang mit Plagiaten (PDF)

Vortragende Personen


LVA Termine

Mo.17:00 - 19:0002.10.2023 - 22.01.2024Helmut Rauch Hörsaal - TPH Kolloquium: Complex Quantum Systems
Kolloquium: Complex Quantum Systems - Einzeltermine
Mo.02.10.202317:00 - 19:00Helmut Rauch Hörsaal - TPH Kolloquium: Complex Quantum Systems
Mo.09.10.202317:00 - 19:00Helmut Rauch Hörsaal - TPH Kolloquium: Complex Quantum Systems
Mo.16.10.202317:00 - 19:00Helmut Rauch Hörsaal - TPH Kolloquium: Complex Quantum Systems
Mo.23.10.202317:00 - 19:00Helmut Rauch Hörsaal - TPH Kolloquium: Complex Quantum Systems
Mo.30.10.202317:00 - 19:00Helmut Rauch Hörsaal - TPH Kolloquium: Complex Quantum Systems
Mo.06.11.202317:00 - 19:00Helmut Rauch Hörsaal - TPH Kolloquium: Complex Quantum Systems
Mo.13.11.202317:00 - 19:00Helmut Rauch Hörsaal - TPH Kolloquium: Complex Quantum Systems
Mo.20.11.202317:00 - 19:00Helmut Rauch Hörsaal - TPH Kolloquium: Complex Quantum Systems
Mo.27.11.202317:00 - 19:00Helmut Rauch Hörsaal - TPH Kolloquium: Complex Quantum Systems
Mo.04.12.202317:00 - 19:00Helmut Rauch Hörsaal - TPH Kolloquium: Complex Quantum Systems
Mo.11.12.202317:00 - 19:00Helmut Rauch Hörsaal - TPH Kolloquium: Complex Quantum Systems
Mo.18.12.202317:00 - 19:00Helmut Rauch Hörsaal - TPH Kolloquium: Complex Quantum Systems
Mo.08.01.202417:00 - 19:00Helmut Rauch Hörsaal - TPH Kolloquium: Complex Quantum Systems
Mo.15.01.202417:00 - 19:00Helmut Rauch Hörsaal - TPH Kolloquium: Complex Quantum Systems
Mo.22.01.202417:00 - 19:00Helmut Rauch Hörsaal - TPH Kolloquium: Complex Quantum Systems


This seminar is part of the doctoral program on Complex Quantum Systems (CoQuS). A successful completion of the course requires a regular attandence and at least one oral presentations followed by a discussion with the CoQuS soft skill trainer.


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