After successful completion of the course, students are able to understand scientific papers containing concepts such as "Kähler manifold" (relevant in supersymmetric field theories) or "Calabi-Yau manifold" (the main geometric ingredient of string compactifications) and to perform simple computations in that area.
Please register in TISS if you want to participate in the course. This puts you under no obligations whatsoever and does not necessarily mean that you will be graded.
The preliminary discussion and (provided enough people are there) first lecture will take place on 3 March, 12:15. Please contact me if you are interested in the course but cannot make it on that date (or the suggested time slot, in general).
P. Candelas, "Lectures on Complex Manifolds", Proceedings Trieste 1987
Griffiths/Harris, "Principles of algebraic geometry"
D. Joyce, "Compact manifolds with special holonomy"