Dirac equation; interaction with electromagnetic fields; Lorentz transformations; H-atom, fine structure; quantization of free fields; Gupta-Bleuler quantization; perturbation theory; Feynman rules; radiative corrections; dimensional regularization; renormalization; anomalous magnetic moment of the electron; Lamb shift; infrared problems and Bloch-Nordsieck mechanism; renormalization group
The lecture is held in English.
ATTENTION: The first lecture takes place on Mo, March 9, 2015. (There is no lecture on March 2, 2015.)
Oral examination. Apointments for oral examination by arrangement (E-mail to ipp at hep.itp dot tuwien dot ac.at).
In the final lecture there will be a written examination that consists of 65% theory questions and 35% calculations. There are voluntary weekly assignments with which one can earn up to 35% bonus points for the written exam.