After successful completion of the course, students are able to handle tensors, to transform between coordinate systems, and to solve partial differential equations in different ways (depending on the problem) with eigenvalue and boundary-value problems. Students learn to present their results in front of small groups.
Tensors, differential equations, generalized functions, special functions, Green's functions for partial differential equations
Students independently calculate problems and present those in front of small groups. Their understanding as well as the presentation itself are evaluated by the tutor.
Please see the German page for detailed information and exercise sheets.
Please see the German page for detailed information.
Use Group Registration to register.
Lecture notes for this course are available. Some older assignments [pdf].
Handout: Tensors as multilinear forms (new: with Moebius strip!) [pdf], [ps].
Handout: Selbstadjungierte Differentialoperatoren (von Florian Libisch)[pdf], [ps].
Handout: Fuchssche Klasse (von Volkmar Putz) [gif]
Merkzettel zur Indexschreibweise (von Alexander Haber) [pdf]
Handout: Sturm-Liouville-Problem (von Isabella Floss) [pdf]
Handout: Basistransformation (von Lea Heckmann) [pdf]
Handout: Greensche Funktion (von Severino Adler) [pdf]