Overview of computerarchitecture, networks and various types of operating systems with respect to applications in real time control and data recording. Understandig hardware interfaces and driver software. Interface between hardware and software. Control system, Logic, programmable logic controlllers, supervisory control systems
Computer architecture, possibly with exercises on an processor emulator Operating systems: Windows NT, Linux, microkernel-OS memory management, interrupts mass storage, RAID Networks: OSI-7-layer model and the reality ethernet,internet protocol, adressing, swith, router, firewall, practical exercises with a variety of network components network programming practical exercise: client-server via sockets control-busses like can, flexray,.. Control systems: Logic in different representations, programmable logic controllers (PLC) practical exercise: examples programmed on an emulator and a real PLC possibly: communcation of PLC's with a supervisory control system Programming of applications and of a device driver using the distributed real time operating system QNX. Programming of a server process and a corresponding client.
Oral Exam
Not necessary
Some programming experience is beneficial, but not required.