The exercises are strongly related to the main course held by Gerhard Schütz. Examples cover most topics presented in the main lecture. Starting with simple examples dealing with bio(physical) terminology, we will focus on thermodynamic aspects like Gibb's Free energy and non-ideal behavior of macromolecules and their application to determine protein-relevant parameters. After calculating simple reaction kinetics and cooperativity examples we focus on the two basic cellular transport processes, namely Brownian diffusion and directed motion. The envelope of a live cell - the plasma membrane - and its composition and resulting biophysical parameters will cover the remaining part of the course.
Students are encouraged to work out the examples in small groups and present the results in front of other course participants. The course will end with a written exam with examples related to the presented ones. Additional support will be given by me if examples turn out to be "unsolvable" or if just hints are needed.