120.110 Data Retrieval in Earth Observation
Diese Lehrveranstaltung ist in allen zugeordneten Curricula Teil der STEOP.
Diese Lehrveranstaltung ist in mindestens einem zugeordneten Curriculum Teil der STEOP.

2024S, VU, 2.0h, 3.0EC


  • Semesterwochenstunden: 2.0
  • ECTS: 3.0
  • Typ: VU Vorlesung mit Übung
  • Format der Abhaltung: Blended Learning


Nach positiver Absolvierung der Lehrveranstaltung sind Studierende in der Lage...

to explain and carry out the full process from obtaining Earth Observation data to applying it for specific applications. This process will make students able to...

  • explain and apply different modelling methods to retrieve geophysical data from operational and freely available Earth Observation data, and describe the advantages and disadvantages of different forward modelling and retrieval schemes.
  • define how geophysical data retrieved from Earth Observation data can be validated, construe and perform an accuracy assessment and quantify and interpret the quality of different EO datasets, models and model outcomes. 
  • retrieve and validate surface soil moisture from Metop ASCAT backscatter data and use the retrieved data to monitor drought.

Inhalt der Lehrveranstaltung

Lecture part:

  • Introduction
  • Philosophic aspects of science
  • ASCAT soil moisture and backscatter modelling
  • Forward modelling
  • Model inversion
  • Error modelling

The exercises take the student through the full process of using Earth Observation data, from downloading data to final application and interpretation. The exercises are related to the lectures and set-up as follows: 

  1. Setting up a research plan,
  2. Obtaining operational Earth Observation and validation data,
  3. Forward modelling of backscatter using a Water Cloud Model,
  4. Retrieval of Surface Soil Moisture from backscatter observations,
  5. Evaluation and uncertainty assessment of surface soil moisture retrieval,
  6. Application of retrieved Surface Soil Moisture for drought monitoring


For the lectures a script is available, which together with the handouts is also suitable for self study. 

Every lecture topic is related to an exercise. The exercises are performed in groups of 2-3 people. 

The students are supported with the following methods:

  • Introduction on how to set-up a research plan, how to give a scientific presentation. 
  • Calculation of exercises with  Python.

  • Presentation of methods and results in a scientific presentation, with feedback from peers.

  • Discussion of case studies through peer-review and feedback through Padlet.



Weitere Informationen

A script is available at Verlag

Vortragende Personen


LVA Termine

Di.15:00 - 17:0005.03.2024 - 25.06.2024Sem.R. DA grün 02 B - GEO Data Retrieval in Earth Observation
Data Retrieval in Earth Observation - Einzeltermine
Di.05.03.202415:00 - 17:00Sem.R. DA grün 02 B - GEO Data Retrieval in Earth Observation
Di.12.03.202415:00 - 17:00Sem.R. DA grün 02 B - GEO Data Retrieval in Earth Observation
Di.19.03.202415:00 - 17:00Sem.R. DA grün 02 B - GEO Data Retrieval in Earth Observation
Di.09.04.202415:00 - 17:00Sem.R. DA grün 02 B - GEO Data Retrieval in Earth Observation
Di.16.04.202415:00 - 17:00Sem.R. DA grün 02 B - GEO Data Retrieval in Earth Observation
Di.23.04.202415:00 - 17:00Sem.R. DA grün 02 B - GEO Data Retrieval in Earth Observation
Di.30.04.202415:00 - 17:00Sem.R. DA grün 02 B - GEO Data Retrieval in Earth Observation
Di.07.05.202415:00 - 17:00Sem.R. DA grün 02 B - GEO Data Retrieval in Earth Observation
Di.14.05.202415:00 - 17:00Sem.R. DA grün 02 B - GEO Data Retrieval in Earth Observation
Di.28.05.202415:00 - 17:00Sem.R. DA grün 02 B - GEO Data Retrieval in Earth Observation
Di.04.06.202415:00 - 17:00Sem.R. DA grün 02 B - GEO Data Retrieval in Earth Observation
Di.11.06.202415:00 - 17:00Sem.R. DA grün 02 B - GEO Data Retrieval in Earth Observation
Di.18.06.202415:00 - 17:00Sem.R. DA grün 02 B - GEO Data Retrieval in Earth Observation
Di.25.06.202415:00 - 17:00Sem.R. DA grün 02 B - GEO Data Retrieval in Earth Observation


The knowledge of the students is assessed via two small online multiple choice test at the beginning of two lectures. The exercises are graded through the input on TUWEL, scientific discussion and peer-review, and a final presentation at the end of the course. 


Von Bis Abmeldung bis
23.01.2024 00:00


066 421 Geodäsie und Geoinformation Gebundenes Wahlfach2. Semester


A script is available at Verlag, lecture slides will be made available through TUWEL.


Students are expected to be capable of following physical reasonings and a familarity with remote sensing techniques and applications is assumed. Furthermore, students are expected to be able to program basic Python.

