120.088 Projects in Development Aid
This course is in all assigned curricula part of the STEOP.
This course is in at least 1 assigned curriculum part of the STEOP.

2023W, VO, 1.0h, 2.0EC


  • Semester hours: 1.0
  • Credits: 2.0
  • Type: VO Lecture
  • Format: Presence

Learning outcomes

After successful completion of the course, students are able to...

  • describe the relevance of development cooperation,
  • describe problem areas, where Austrian universities can provide support,
  • list problems that may occur during a project in development cooperation, and
  • list examples from the own study field where the student can play a part.

Subject of course

The focus of the course is the development cooperation program Appear (Austrian Partnership Program in Higher Education and Research for Development). After a general introduction, speakers will present their respective projects. An essential aspect of the lectures are, in addition to the problem definition and the (technical) solution, the challenges of working in developing countries, dealing with inadequacies of the infrastructure, political developments, social challenges, economic conditions, etc.

Teaching methods

Presentations by practitioners followed by discussions with the students

Mode of examination


Additional information

The course is organized as a cooperation between the institite E120 (Gerhard Navratil) and E226 (Richard Lee). The presentations will be held in irrgegular intervals in the evening (starting approx. at 6 PM) to avoid overlaps with other lectures. Exact dates will be provided.

The following presenters already accepret the invitation:

  • December 14. 2023, 6PM: Richard Lee (TU Wien, Waste and Ressource Management)
  • December 18. 2023, 6PM: Pamphile Degla (University of Parakou, Republic of Benin, West Africa, Agricultural Economist)
  • December 21. 2023, 6PM: Ilse-Christine Gebeshuber (TU Wien, Atom- & Plasmaphysics)
  • January 10. 2024, 6PM: Julia Lichtkoppler (Programme Officer), Nikoleta Nikisianli (BOKU Appear Project Management)
  • January 15. 2024, 6PM:Roland Weber (International Expert on Persistent Organic Pollutants, POPs) - online
  • January 16. 2024, 6PM: Aminata Fall (freelance expert on energy sustainability)
  • January 17. 2024, 6PM: Thomas Bauer (Boku, Appear project lead)
  • January 22. 2024, 6PM: Paul Spiesberger (ICT4D - Information and Communication Technologies for Development)
  • January 23. 2024, 6:15PM: Gerolf Riegler (Austrian Red Cross)
  • January 25. 2024, 6PM: Eva-Maria Unger (freelancing expert on land rights and gender issues)



Course dates

Thu18:00 - 20:0014.12.2023EI 11 Geodäsie HS - INF Presentation Richard Lee
Mon18:00 - 20:0018.12.2023 https://tuwien.zoom.us/j/69058465708?pwd=aVJXdjBxRnVldExodFN0cC9PNXBmQT09Presentation Degal
Thu18:00 - 20:0021.12.2023EI 11 Geodäsie HS - INF Presentation Ilse-Christine Gebeshuber
Wed18:00 - 20:0010.01.2024EI 11 Geodäsie HS - INF Presentation Julia Lichtkoppler and Nikoleta Nikisianli
Mon18:00 - 20:0015.01.2024 https://tuwien.zoom.us/j/64532875622?pwd=anRNQkpLZ25Ga2ZiMlJaRTlxRHRvZz09Presentation Roland Weber
Tue18:00 - 20:0016.01.2024EI 11 Geodäsie HS - INF Presentation Aminata Fall
Wed18:00 - 20:0017.01.2024EI 11 Geodäsie HS - INF Presentation Thomas Bauer
Mon18:00 - 20:0022.01.2024EI 11 Geodäsie HS - INF Presentation Spiesberger
Tue18:00 - 20:0023.01.2024EI 11 Geodäsie HS - INF Presentation Riegler
Thu18:00 - 20:0025.01.2024EI 11 Geodäsie HS - INF Presentation Eva-Maria Unger

Examination modalities

Handing in of presentation notes and written exam at the end of the course

Course registration

Begin End Deregistration end
02.09.2023 12:00 30.11.2023 12:00 30.11.2023 12:00


Study CodeObligationSemesterPrecon.Info
066 566 Environmental Engineering Mandatory elective
ALG For all Students Elective


No lecture notes are available.

Previous knowledge

Overview of the own field of study


  • Attendance Required!

