103.064 Exercises Linear Algebra for TPH
This course is in all assigned curricula part of the STEOP.
This course is in at least 1 assigned curriculum part of the STEOP.
This course is in at least 1 assigned curriculum part of the STEOP.

2023W, UE, 1.0h, 2.0EC, to be held in blocked form


  • Semester hours: 1.0
  • Credits: 2.0
  • Type: UE Exercise
  • Format: Presence

Learning outcomes

After successful completion of the course, students are able to solve basic models of linear algebra. This means they can calculate solutions of systems of linear equations, determine the rank, kernel, and range of a matrix, provide a basis of a subspace, carry out the orthogonalization of a basis as well as solve eigenvalue problems and differential equations with constant coefficients.


Subject of course

Tutorial associated with course 103.066 Linear Algebra for TPH.

Teaching methods

Calculation and discussion of exercises related to the lecture with the possibility to ask questions to train the mathematical understanding.


Mode of examination




Course dates

Mon10:00 - 11:0009.10.2023FH Hörsaal 5 - TPH Vorbesprechung
Wed15:00 - 17:0013.12.2023FH Hörsaal 5 - TPH Fragestunde 1. Klausur
Mon10:00 - 12:0022.01.2024FH Hörsaal 5 - TPH Fragestunde 2. Klausur
Course is held blocked

Examination modalities

There are two written tests and a possible compensation test. For passing the course it is necessary to obtain at least half of the available points.

Group dates

Gruppe LA 1Mon08:00 - 10:0023.10.2023 - 15.01.2024Sem.R. DA grün 03 B 103.064 Exercises Linear Algebra for TPH Gruppe LA 1
Gruppe LA 2Mon08:00 - 10:0023.10.2023 - 15.01.2024Zeichensaal 3 103.064 Exercises Linear Algebra for TPH Gruppe LA 2
Gruppe LA 3Mon08:00 - 10:0023.10.2023 - 15.01.2024Sem.R. DA grün 04 103.064 Exercises Linear Algebra for TPH Gruppe LA 3
Gruppe LA 4Tue08:00 - 10:0024.10.2023 - 16.01.2024Sem.R. DA grün 06A 103.064 Exercises Linear Algebra for TPH Gruppe LA 4
Gruppe LA 5Tue08:00 - 10:0024.10.2023 - 16.01.2024FH Hörsaal 2 103.064 Exercises Linear Algebra for TPH Gruppe LA 5
Gruppe LA 6Tue08:00 - 10:0024.10.2023 - 16.01.2024Zeichensaal 3 103.064 Exercises Linear Algebra for TPH Gruppe LA 6
Gruppe LA 7Wed08:00 - 10:0025.10.2023 - 17.01.2024Sem.R. DA grün 03 B 103.064 Exercises Linear Algebra for TPH Gruppe LA 7
Gruppe LA 8Wed08:00 - 10:0025.10.2023 - 17.01.2024Zeichensaal 3 103.064 Exercises Linear Algebra for TPH Gruppe LA 8
Gruppe LA 9Wed08:00 - 10:0025.10.2023 - 17.01.2024Sem.R. DA grün 06A 103.064 Exercises Linear Algebra for TPH Gruppe LA 9
Reserve 1Tue08:00 - 10:0010.10.2023 - 23.01.2024Sem.R. DB gelb 04 103.064 Exercises Linear Algebra for TPH Reserve 1
Reserve 2Tue08:00 - 10:0010.10.2023 - 23.01.2024Seminarraum AE U1 - 7 103.064 Exercises Linear Algebra for TPH Reserve 2

Course registration

Use Group Registration to register.

Group Registration

GroupRegistration FromTo
Gruppe LA 109.10.2023 08:0020.10.2023 23:59
Gruppe LA 209.10.2023 08:0020.10.2023 23:59
Gruppe LA 309.10.2023 08:0020.10.2023 23:59
Gruppe LA 409.10.2023 08:0020.10.2023 23:59
Gruppe LA 509.10.2023 08:0020.10.2023 23:59
Gruppe LA 609.10.2023 08:0020.10.2023 23:59
Gruppe LA 709.10.2023 08:0020.10.2023 23:59
Gruppe LA 809.10.2023 08:0020.10.2023 23:59
Gruppe LA 909.10.2023 08:0020.10.2023 23:59
Reserve 109.10.2023 08:0015.10.2023 23:59
Reserve 209.10.2023 08:0015.10.2023 23:59


Study CodeObligationSemesterPrecon.Info
033 261 Technical Physics Mandatory1. Semestertrue
Course belongs to the introductory and orientation phase ("Studieneingangs- und Orientierungsphase")
810 Technical Physics Mandatory1. Semester


Lecture notes for this course are available. All books on linear algebra.

Previous knowledge

Well-founded knowledge of mathematics from secondary school II (AHS upper level, BHS, etc.), adjustment course in mathematics.

Accompanying courses

