The lecture deals with almost all aspects of modern modeling and simulation including exemplary data aquisition, model calibration, or output visualisation. Moreover it gives a broad overview over the following modeling methods
- System Dynamics,
- Discrete Event Simulation
- Agent-based Simulation
The preliminary discussion on the VU will take place on 2023-03-10, 10:00-11:00am c.t. in Sem.r. DA grün 03B Thereafter, the lecture will always take place on Friday 10:00-12:00. The lecture will be held in a hybrid (presence/online) and blocked format.
The modules are partly frontal lecture, some of them also contain practical parts with hands-on programming. They prepare for a final group work in which you will solve a predefined problem using modeling and simulation. You will be asked to present the results of your work in the context of the last VU unit in June.
We expect the following expenditure of time:
21.0h Lecture-/Exercise- units (14 x 1.5h)
1.0h Project release
50.0h Project work including meetings with your supervisor
2.5h Preparation for project presentation
1.5h Project presentation
75.0h = 3 ECTS
Apart from units related with the project work, there is no compulsory attendance in the lecture hall. Yet, we ask you to comply with the LVA registration period.
The lecture will be administered in TUWEL.