064.003 TU.impact – the buddy program of the TU Wien
This course is in all assigned curricula part of the STEOP.
This course is in at least 1 assigned curriculum part of the STEOP.

2024W, SE, 2.0h, 3.0EC


  • Semester hours: 2.0
  • Credits: 3.0
  • Type: SE Seminar
  • Format: Presence

Learning outcomes

After successful completion of the course, students are able to...

- After successfully completing the course, students are able to apply methods of self-reflection and self-presentation in order to appear confident in new life situations.

- The added value for students in contact with young people is not only to develop social skills, but also ensures sovereignty in new life situations and challenges (e.g. development and expansion of specific application-oriented soft skills and knowledge, including social skills such as communication skills, empathy , problem-solving skills, conflict resilience, intercultural skills)

Subject of course

In Austria, social background is largely responsible for whether a child later begins or completes a course of study. In Austria, for example, around 7% of people whose parents completed compulsory school as their highest level of education have a university degree – in contrast to 68% of young people from academic households.

The biggest hurdles are at the transition from compulsory school to an apprenticeship or to secondary school. With Sindbad - Social Business, we start with exactly this transition at the end of compulsory school: TU Students become mentors and accompany schoolchildren aged 13-19. Students act as role models and support the students in their career decisions.

With volunteer work, students achieve great things and grow together with their mentees. You will gain insights into the world of a young person in the last year of compulsory school and accompany them as they discover further career paths. You will also receive the following boost for your own career: you will expand your soft skills in training courses with experts, build up a network of fellow students and get to know company representatives and their career paths. You will also receive 3 ECTS in Transferable Skills for participating.


Teaching methods

Training on the subject areas: communication, problem-solving skills and critical thinking, emotional intelligence, intercultural competence, job applications. Preparation for the role as a mentor. Ongoing Supervision.

Mode of examination


Additional information

The program duration is 12 months. The program starting in the 2023/24 winter semester will last until November 2024, and the mentoring teams will also meet throughout the summer.

Course dates

It is necessary to attend an information evening before applying – see www.tuimpact.at for current dates

October 10, 2023: Introduction & Training Module I: Communication Training (9 a.m. - 2 p.m.)

October 17, 2023: Training module II: Intercultural Competence (1-5 p.m.)

October 24, 2023: Training Module III: Emotional Intelligence (1-5 p.m.)

October 31, 2023: Training Module IV: Problem-solving skills and critical thinking (1-5 p.m.)

November 17 & 18, 2023: Matching: Who fits to whom? Meeting mentors & mentees (afternoon)

December 18, 2023: Application camp (1-5 p.m.)


min. 2x/month: Meetings between the mentors and the mentees

3 dates chosen by you: Sindbad modules

Appointments chosen by you: Supervision at Sindbad


May 21, 2024: career.talk I (evening event)

November 5, 2024: career.talk II (breakfast)


November 2024: Closing event (tbd)


Please consider the plagiarism guidelines of TU Wien when writing your seminar paper: Directive concerning the handling of plagiarism (PDF)



Examination modalities

Participation in all communicated dates and the provision of all communicated partial performances is a prerequisite for the successful completion of the course, 100% attendance is mandatory. Upon successful participation, students receive 3 ECTS in transferable skills.

Course registration

Not necessary


Study CodeObligationSemesterPrecon.Info
066 445 Mechanical Engineering Not specified
066 558 Quantum Information Science and Technology Mandatory elective
TRS Transferable Skills Not specified


No lecture notes are available.

Previous knowledge

It is recommended that students apply after completing the introductory and orientation phase (StEOP). In principle, participation is possible for students in bachelor's, master's and doctoral studies.

