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060.029 Swedish for Engineers 2
This course is in all assigned curricula part of the STEOP.
This course is in at least 1 assigned curriculum part of the STEOP.

2025S, VU, 2.0h, 3.0EC


  • Semester hours: 2.0
  • Credits: 3.0
  • Type: VU Lecture and Exercise
  • Format: Presence

Learning outcomes

After successful completion of the course, students are able to communicate in familiar situations and talk about familiar topics. Knowledge of the foundations of Swedish grammar is required. Amongst others the following topics:

-) ordföljd i huvudsatser: verbets och subjektets position
-) subjekts- och objektspronomen
-) negation
-) genitiv
-) verb: presens, infinitiv, imperativ, hjälpverb + infinitiv, presens futurum (ska + infinitiv), preteritum
-) demonstrativa pronomen + substantiv
-) substantivets grupper
-) adjektiv
-) possesiva pronomen

The students also aquire a base vocabulary to understand and to produce technical texts. The goal of the course is that the students make significant progress towards reaching level A2 and are especially able to communicate within a technical context as well as reading and understanding texts with a technical context.

Subject of course

The structure of the course includes the following aspects: grammar input, pronounciation, written excercises, extension of vocabulary and conversation.

Teaching methods

For the aquisition of active language use the method of partnerwork is used. An active participation in the lessons is mandatory. Producing competences (speaking and writing excercises) as well as understanding competences shall be aquired.

Mode of examination


Additional information

Textbook: Rivstart A1+A2 Textbok
Excercisebook: Rivstart A1+A2 Övningsbok

Attention: third edition

Time: 14:15 - 15:45



Course dates

Tue14:00 - 16:0004.03.2025 - 24.06.2025Seminarraum 107/1 Technical Swedish 2
Swedish for Engineers 2 - Single appointments
Tue04.03.202514:00 - 16:00Seminarraum 107/1 Technical Swedish 2
Tue11.03.202514:00 - 16:00Seminarraum 107/1 Technical Swedish 2
Tue18.03.202514:00 - 16:00Seminarraum 107/1 Technical Swedish 2
Tue25.03.202514:00 - 16:00Seminarraum 107/1 Technical Swedish 2
Tue01.04.202514:00 - 16:00Seminarraum 107/1 Technical Swedish 2
Tue08.04.202514:00 - 16:00Seminarraum 107/1 Technical Swedish 2
Tue29.04.202514:00 - 16:00Seminarraum 107/1 Technical Swedish 2
Tue06.05.202514:00 - 16:00Seminarraum 107/1 Technical Swedish 2
Tue13.05.202514:00 - 16:00Seminarraum 107/1 Technical Swedish 2
Tue20.05.202514:00 - 16:00Seminarraum 107/1 Technical Swedish 2
Tue27.05.202514:00 - 16:00Seminarraum 107/1 Technical Swedish 2
Tue03.06.202514:00 - 16:00Seminarraum 107/1 Technical Swedish 2
Tue17.06.202514:00 - 16:00Seminarraum 107/1 Technical Swedish 2
Tue24.06.202514:00 - 16:00Seminarraum 107/1 Technical Swedish 2

Examination modalities

The assesment consists of two components. On one side there will be a short written test about the topics of homework held in every other lesson, on the other side progress in the app Duolingo has to be demonstrated.

For each of the 5 written tests as well as each of the 10 Duolingo excercises, the students can earn up to 10 respectively 5 points, in total 100 points. For a positive grade at least 25 points from the written tests as well as at least 50 points in total are required. Positive grades are determined by the sum of all points according to the following distribution key:

  • 50-59 points: genügend (4)
  • 60-69 points: befriedigend (3)
  • 70-79 points: gut (2)
  • 80-100 points: sehr gut (1)

Course registration

Begin End Deregistration end
30.01.2025 00:00 04.03.2025 13:00 04.03.2025 13:00

Registration modalities

The final registration takes place during the introductory meeting. Places will be allocated among those present in the order of the initial registration in TISS. Students who already took the preceding course, 060.028 Technisches Schwedisch 1, will be favored in getting a place.


Study CodeObligationSemesterPrecon.Info
066 445 Mechanical Engineering Not specified
066 558 Quantum Information Science and Technology Mandatory elective
TRS Transferable Skills Not specified


No lecture notes are available.

Previous knowledge

Knowledge of the foundations of Swedish grammar is required. Amongst others the following topics:

-) ordföljd i huvudsatser: verbets och subjektets position
-) subjekts- och objektspronomen
-) negation
-) genitiv
-) verb: presens, infinitiv, imperativ, hjälpverb + infinitiv, presens futurum (ska + infinitiv), preteritum
-) demonstrativa pronomen + substantiv
-) substantivets grupper
-) adjektiv
-) possesiva pronomen

A succesful completion of the preceding course: 060.028 Technisches Schwedisch 1 fulfills the requirements.

Preceding courses


  • Attendance Required!

