Nach positiver Absolvierung der Lehrveranstaltung sind Studierende in der Lage...
This course provides an introduction to parallel programming and we will cover the basic features of parallel programming with MPI (Message Passing Interface) and OpenMP (Open Multi-Processing) using C, if time permits we'll also have a look at CUDA to offload parts of the computation to GPUs. Students will do the hands-on labs directly on the Vienna Scientific Cluster, the high-performance computing facility of Austrian universities, and hence will learn about and get some expierence in high-performance computing.
Lecture about the main concepts of parallel programming as well as illustration of their application in programming examples. Practising of the learnt material via the independent solving of programming exercises in class and as homework.
This course is obligatory for students of the "Master programme Interdisciplinary Mathematics" (066 393).
The performance review takes place by active participation in the course, successful participation on programming exercises and homework plus short quizzes and tests at the end of each topic.
Registration priority for students of the "Master programme Interdisciplinary Mathematics" (066 393), interested students of other academimic programs please contact the lecturer before enrolling.
Basic skills in programming in C (e.g., as learnt during the lecture "Scientific Programming for Interdisciplinary Mathematics") as well as Linux command line and usage of an editor (vi or nano).