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034.016 Feminist technology studies
This course is in all assigned curricula part of the STEOP.
This course is in at least 1 assigned curriculum part of the STEOP.

2025S, VU, 2.0h, 3.0EC


  • Semester hours: 2.0
  • Credits: 3.0
  • Type: VU Lecture and Exercise
  • Format: Presence

Learning outcomes

After successful completion of the course, students are able to...

  • describe approaches of feminist technology studies
  • analyze and classify technical developments in terms of diversity and inclusion
  • view technical developments in the context of the social organization of science and technology and to identify potential weaknesses of research & development designs and development processes in general
  • to relate feminist technology studies to their own discipline and to apply methods for critical scientific self- and site review

Subject of course

  • Fundamentals of science research
  • Fundamentals of feminist technology research
  • Case studies from different technoscientific disciplines
  • Discussion & reflection of own research & development practices

Further topics of interest:

  • Binary impositions on a fuzzy world
  • Public engagement, participation & democratization of technoscience
  • Diversity & Unconscious Bias
  • Sustainability
  • Accessibility
  • Free Software, Open Hardware
  • Data protection, privacy & network policies
  • Case studies from different disciplines (e.g. computer science, architecture, chemistry, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, . . . )

Teaching methods

  • Lecture
  • self-study literature development
  • individual reflections & group discussion
  • working on a small case study in groups
  • design thinking & prototyping
  • methods of gender-sensitive adult education

Mode of examination


Additional information

"This course may be taken as an elective course for the Gender and Diversity Competency Supplemental Certificate. More information about the certificate can be found here."

With the certificate Gender and Diversity Competence, graduates prove their competence in the consideration of gender and diversity aspects.

Prerequisite for the issuance of the certificate is the completion of courses from the following list in the amount of at least 16 ECTS.

Three courses amounting to 7 ECTS must be completed; for the remaining 9 ECTS, all courses from the list "Optional Courses" can be chosen.

List of courses can be found here.


The language of instruction is German. A large part of the literature used is written in English.



Course dates

Tue17:00 - 19:0004.03.2025 - 08.04.2025Hörsaal AE U1 - 1 - CEE Feministische Technikforschung
Tue17:00 - 19:0029.04.2025 - 24.06.2025Seminarraum AE U1 - 4 Feminist Technology Studies
Feminist technology studies - Single appointments
Tue04.03.202517:00 - 19:00Hörsaal AE U1 - 1 - CEE Feministische Technikforschung
Tue11.03.202517:00 - 19:00Hörsaal AE U1 - 1 - CEE Feministische Technikforschung
Tue18.03.202517:00 - 19:00Hörsaal AE U1 - 1 - CEE Feministische Technikforschung
Tue25.03.202517:00 - 19:00Hörsaal AE U1 - 1 - CEE Feministische Technikforschung
Tue01.04.202517:00 - 19:00Hörsaal AE U1 - 1 - CEE Feministische Technikforschung
Tue08.04.202517:00 - 19:00Hörsaal AE U1 - 1 - CEE Feministische Technikforschung
Tue29.04.202517:00 - 19:00Seminarraum AE U1 - 4 Feminist Technology Studies
Tue06.05.202517:00 - 19:00Seminarraum AE U1 - 4 Feminist Technology Studies
Tue13.05.202517:00 - 19:00Seminarraum AE U1 - 4 Feminist Technology Studies
Tue20.05.202517:00 - 19:00Seminarraum AE U1 - 4 Feminist Technology Studies
Tue27.05.202517:00 - 19:00Seminarraum AE U1 - 4 Feminist Technology Studies
Tue03.06.202517:00 - 19:00Seminarraum AE U1 - 4 Feminist Technology Studies
Tue17.06.202517:00 - 19:00Seminarraum AE U1 - 4 Feminist Technology Studies
Tue24.06.202517:00 - 19:00Seminarraum AE U1 - 4 Feminist Technology Studies

Examination modalities

Participation, group work, mini case study & documentation of results, Presentation of a dissemination concept

ECTS Breakdown (3 ECTS := 75 working hours):

  • 25h participation in LV sessions
  • 20h self-study, reflection & consolidation of the contents of the course sessions
  • 10h Group discussions and reflections outside the course sessions
  • 20h Planning & execution & presentation of a small case study

To gain a grade, the course uses a point system, in which participants can gather up to 100 points plus additional 10 bonus points through the following activities:

  • 25 throuch activit participation in the course sessions
  • 15 through answers to quizz questions and open questions on TUWEL
  • 30 through an individual reflection report at the end / after the course
  • 30 through the group work / small case study
  • 10 optional bonus points through pointing out freely accessible ressources that are relevant to the course topic

The final grade is calculated based on the final points of a participant and the following scheme:

  • above 80 points: 1
  • 70-80 points: 2
  • 60-70 points: 3
  • 50-60 points: 4
  • 0-50 points: 5

Course registration

Begin End Deregistration end
29.01.2025 09:00 09.03.2025 23:42


Study CodeObligationSemesterPrecon.Info
066 445 Mechanical Engineering Not specified
066 558 Quantum Information Science and Technology Mandatory elective
TRS Transferable Skills Not specified


Es wird kein begleitendes Skriptum zur LV angeboten. Eine Online-Dokumentation der LV erfolgt laufend und wird anhand von Studierenden-Feedback adaptiert.

Die konkret in der LV verwendete Literatur wird im Prozess der LV und der Gruppenbildung, sowie anhand der unterschiedlichen thematischen Schwerpunktsetzungen angepasst und in die Online-Dokumentation eingepflegt. Teilnehmer*innen werden angeregt auch eigene Inhalte einzubringen.

Die folgenden Bücher stellen eine Auswahl an Vertiefungsmöglichkeiten dar, welche an die in der LV behandelten Inhalte andocken. Diese Liste ist daher nicht als notwendige Leseliste zu verstehen, sondern bietet eine erste wissenschaftliche Verortung der LV und d* LV-Leiter*in. Außerdem sollen so thematische Umrisse gezogen und mögliche inhaltliche Wanderrouten angeregt werden.

  • Barad, Karen Michelle. 2007. Meeting the Universe Halfway: Quantum Physics and the Entanglement of Matter and Meaning. Duke University Press.
  • Criado Perez, Caroline. 2020. Invisible Women: Exposing Data Bias in a World Designed for Men. London: Vintage.
  • Digby, Tom. 2013. Men Doing Feminism. Routledge.
  • Dunbar-Hester, Christina. 2019. Hacking Diversity: The Politics of Inclusion in Open Technology Cultures. Princeton University Press.
  • Fleck, Ludwik. 1935. Genesis and Development of a Scientific Fact. Chicago: University of Chicago Press (originally published in 1935).
  • Green, Eileen. 2001. Virtual Gender: Technology, Consumption, and Identity. Routledge.
  • Haraway, Donna. 1991. Simians, Cyborgs and Women: The Reinvention of Nature. New York: Routledge.
  • Haraway, Donna J. 2016. Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene. Duke University Press.
  • Kleinman, Daniel Lee. 2000. Science, Technology, and Democracy. SUNY Press.
  • Knoll, Bente, and Brigitte Ratzer. 2010. Gender Studies in Den Ingenieurwissenschaften. 1., Auflage. Facultas Universitätsverlag.
  • Kuhn, Thomas Samuel. 1996. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. 3rd ed. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago. 1st Edition 1962.
  • Lederman, Muriel, and Ingrid Bartsch. 2001. The Gender and Science Reader. Routledge.
  • MacKenzie, Donald A., and Judy Wajcman. 1985. The Social Shaping of Technology: How the Refrigerator Got Its Hum. Open University Press.
  • O’Neil, Cathy. 2016. Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy. Crown.
  • Oudshoorn, Nelly, and Trevor Pinch. 2005. How Users Matter: The Co-Construction of Users And Technology. Mit Press.
  • Schmidt, Francesca. 2021. Netzpolitik: eine feministische Einführung. Verlag Barbara Budrich.
  • Wajcman, Judy. 1991. Feminism Confronts Technology. Pennsylvania State University Press.
  • Wajcman, Judy. 2004. TechnoFeminism. Cambridge: Polity Press.
  • Washington, Harriet A. 2008. Medical Apartheid: The Dark History of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial Times to the Present. Anchor Books.
  • Weizenbaum, Joseph. 1976. Computer Power and Human Reason: From Judgment to Calculation. San Francisco: W. H. Freeman. | Weizenbaum, Joseph. 2000. Die Macht Der Computer Und Die Ohnmacht Der Vernunft. Suhrkamp.


  • Attendance Required!

