015.118 Further Education and Lifelong Learning
This course is in all assigned curricula part of the STEOP.
This course is in at least 1 assigned curriculum part of the STEOP.

2024S, VU, 2.0h, 3.0EC, to be held in blocked form


  • Semester hours: 2.0
  • Credits: 3.0
  • Type: VU Lecture and Exercise
  • Format: Online

Learning outcomes

After successful completion of the course, students are able to...

  • identify potential influencing factors on the individual learning process (positive as well as negative);
  • describe the presumed effect (direction & intensity) of concrete characteristics of a learning situation or of changes in it tentatively (in the sense of a subjective theory);
  • justify the actual effect (direction & intensity) of concrete characteristics of a learning situation or of changes in it in a comprehensible way with the aid and interpretation of scientific theories;
  • explain on the basis of scientific theories and in a comprehensible way the dependence of the concrete effects on individual previous experiences and prerequisites of the learners;
  • describe meaningful/necessary changes in the behaviour of the learners concerned, with the help of which negative effects can be compensated and/or positive ones reinforced;
  • describe meaningful/necessary changes in the behaviour of the responsible individual teachers in order to compensate negative and/or reinforce positive effects on learners;
  • describe meaningful/necessary changes within the education system to compensate negative and/or reinforce positive effects of the influencing factors on learners;
  • demonstrate the efficacy/correctness of all the above descriptions and theoretical justifications on the basis of empirical studies;
  • present all their work results in written and oral form in a way that is comprehensible to their peers;
  • work methodically clean (at beginner level) and scientifically honest when writing their texts.

Subject of course

The participants take part in the further development of a (learning) game, which reveals the effects of various influences on the educational biography of an individual. The basic structure is intended as a board game, but a computer-based versio is also possible.

The concrete contents of the discussion result from the intended learning outcomes on the one hand (see above) in connection with the individual interests of the participants on the other hand.

Zudem werden für ausgewählte Termine Themenschwerpunkte besprochen, die sich einerseits aus den Interessen der TeilnehmerInnen ergeben und andererseits aus einem Themenpool vorgegeben werden. Diese Diskussionen finden in Präsenz/ virtueller Präsenz statt und sollen einerseits das Verständnis in Hinblick auf Einflussnahme der Bildungsbiografie erweitern und andererseits eine Reflexion anregen, die letztendlich in die Ausarbeitungen einfließt.

Teaching methods

Methods: Product-oriented learning with peer review

Details: The participants will write two papers with the following elements

Part 1: Initial situation & subjective theories

  • Starting point: the (if possible!) concrete situation of the learners, or the concrete change therein
  • Effects: the initially only intuitively assumed effects of this situation change on learning process and further learning possibilities (positive or negative)
  • Differentiations (if appropriate): information on which different characteristics of a person (group of persons) could lead to different effects.
  • Trigger: those concrete characteristics of the situation (change) which cause the presumed influence.

Part 2: Scientific explanation & empirical evidence:  On the one hand, you research scientific literature that offers you (theoretical) clarification of the effects you suspect, and on the other hand you research literature that presents empirical evidence that the theoretically explained mechanisms of action have actually been proven.

In addition, the participants give their colleagues feedback on the individual parts of their work in each work phase. Participants can work individually or - preferably - in teams of two. However, the feedback should always be written as an individual.

At the end of the semester each participant presents the most important results of one of the two papers in a short lecture (max. 10 minutes). Finally, the individual lessons learned should be recorded in a short written reflection.

Mode of examination

Written and oral

Additional information

The course is partially blocked and combines attendance phases with independent work (blended learning).

The participants should - as far as possible - work in teams of two.

The (partly optional) face-to-face meetings serve to clarify open questions (organizational and content-related), to make decisions and to provide feedback. In selected meetings, in-depth topics are discussed to broaden understanding and stimulate reflection. The knowledge required for the classroom sessions is acquired - almost exclusively - through independent work (inverted classroom model).

3 ECTS points correspond to approx. 75 working hours. See https://www.help.gv.at/Portal.Node/hlpd/public/content/16/Seite.160120.html

All papers can be written in German or English. The oral communication in the attendance blocks takes place in German.


The link to the Zoom meeting is in the TUWEL course!



Course dates

Thu14:00 - 15:3007.03.2024 ZoomPreliminary meeting (participation optional but recommended)
Thu14:00 - 15:3014.03.2024 Achtung - Paniglgasse 16 1040 Wien Raumnummer AK ZE 01Meeting 2 - Kickoff
Thu14:00 - 16:0021.03.2024 Attention - Paniglgasse 16 1040 Wien Raumnummer AK ZE 01Meeting 3 - Topics & Teambuilding (Block)
Wed14:00 - 15:3010.04.2024 ZoomMeeting 4 - optional (feedback) - Attention Wednesday!
Thu14:00 - 15:3018.04.2024 ZoomMeeting 5 - Feedback & further topics
Thu14:00 - 15:3025.04.2024 ZoomMeeting 6 - Feedback & further topics
Thu14:00 - 15:3002.05.2024 ZoomMeeting 7 - optional (Feedback)
Thu14:00 - 15:3016.05.2024 ZoomMeeting 8 - Feedback & weiterführende Themen
Thu14:00 - 15:3023.05.2024 ZoomMeeting 9 - Feedback & weiterführende Themen
Thu14:00 - 15:3006.06.2024 ZoomMeeting 10 - Feedback & weiterführende Themen
Wed14:00 - 15:3012.06.2024 ZoomMeeting 11 - Feedback & weiterführende Themen - Achtung: Terminverschiebung!
Thu14:00 - 15:3020.06.2024 ZoomMeeting 12 - optional (Feedback)
Thu14:00 - 16:3027.06.2024 Attention - Paniglgasse 16 1040 Wien Raumnummer AK ZE 01Meeting 13 - Final presentations - Block
Thu14:00 - 15:3004.07.2024 Achtung - Paniglgasse 16 1040 Wien Raumnummer AK ZE 01Meeting 14 - Final presentations (Teil 2 - optional bei Bedarf)
Course is held blocked

Examination modalities

  • The second of the two written works
  • Written and oral feedback on the work of others
  • Presentation of the most important results of one of the two works
  • Short written reflection (lessons learned)


DayTimeDateRoomMode of examinationApplication timeApplication modeExam
Thu - 27.02.2025written26.02.2025 16:00 - 26.02.2025 23:59TISSTest1234
Wed - 26.03.2025assessed25.03.2025 14:00 - 25.03.2025 23:00TISSErwachsenenbildung und Lebenslanges Lernen

Course registration

Begin End Deregistration end
08.01.2024 00:00 20.03.2024 23:55 22.03.2024 23:55


Study CodeObligationSemesterPrecon.Info
066 445 Mechanical Engineering Not specified
884 Subject: Informatics und Informatics Management Mandatory elective
TRS Transferable Skills Not specified


No lecture notes are available.

Previous knowledge

none required

